SCENARIO "Capture the Briefcase" {//Talked about above in ATL template CONTINUOUS //This is needed if you want to have continuous gameplay. ie: when a goal is completed, everyone doesnt //Die. (like in ATL) TARGETS { TARGET_FLAG1_SPAWN "Base1" TARGET_FLAG2_SPAWN "Base2" TARGET_OBJECT "Package1" MODEL "models/items/bcase/g_bc1.md2" PIC "i_bc1" VWEP "w_bc1.md2" TARGET_OBJECT "Package2" MODEL "models/items/bcase/g_bc2.md2" PIC "i_bc2" VWEP "w_bc2.md2" } //Ok, Target_flag1spawn is self explanatory. //Target_objects are the briefcases that are assigned to the spawn points TEAM "Antipiracy Force" { SKIN "terror/swatsnipe" WEAPONS "all" RESPAWN FRACTION 33 AWAY_FROM "Base2" 1 TOGETHER //Talked about in ATL template GOALS { RETRIEVE "Package1" FROM "Base2" TO "Base1" WITH "Package2" TOUCH_RETURN }//Goals are always eneded and are the ways to win the game. the above line means that you need to //take package1 from base2 and take it to base1. However, you need package2 at home in order to //capture. TOUCH_RETURN means that players can touch their flag and it'll return } TEAM "WaReZ d00dz" { SKIN "male/bluebeard" WEAPONS "all" RESPAWN FRACTION 33 AWAY_FROM "Base1" 1 TOGETHER GOALS { RETRIEVE "Package2" FROM "Base1" TO "Base2" WITH "Package1" TOUCH_RETURN } } }