SCENARIO "hostage2etv" //talked about in other templates. { TARGETS //notice no continuous { TARGET_AREA "A" ( 475 383 84 ) ( 476 384 85 ) MODEL "models/objects/dmspot/tris.md2" TARGET_AREA "B" ( -2166 -230 -17 ) ( -2165 -229 -16 ) MODEL "models/objects/dmspot/tris.md2" PLAYER_RANDOM "VIP" TEAM "Team1" SKIN "messiah/blade" TARGET_AREA "Destination" ( -1800.0 187.0 -283.0 ) ( -1760.0 227 -263.0 ) } //Same deals as before. Just like in ATL. you have a random person. howver you need to bring //the random person to a destination (look in the GOALS) //The target_area is used so the VIP doesnt spawn near destination. get the target_area as //far away from the destination as you can. vice versa with team2 TEAM "Team1" { SKIN "male/grunt" WEAPONS "all" INITIAL_SPAWN "A" //Notice the initial_spawn. this means that when the map first starts out //(handy when you dont have continuous in the script) the team will ALWAYS spawn there //When they die they'll respawn somewhere else. RESPAWN GOALS { ESCORT "VIP" TO "Destination" } //Gotta bring yer VIP to the destination alive! } TEAM "Team2" { SKIN "female/jungle" WEAPONS "all" INITIAL_SPAWN "B" RESPAWN FRACTION 50 //notice the different respawn rules. one is instant. the other is 50%. will talk about in FRD GOALS { ASSASSINATE "VIP" } } }