New Urban Jumps |
15:40 CST 31/08/99 |
Now maybe it's because I am not too good at AQ2, but I have never seen these jumps
that [US]Sabotage does on Urban. DOWNLOAD THIS NOW!! It isn't recammed but he used a demo editor cause
there are some effects in it. Check it out, it rocks. Also, if anyone out there is good at keygrip2 and
wants to work on some demos with ol Gig then drop me a line. For some reason keygrip really screws up my
computer, so I don't use it. A blee a blee a blee thats all folks.If a girl says she's
23, and she looks 18, she's 12. If a girl says she's 26, and looks 26, she's damn near 40.
What's Gigolo Doin' Here? |
15:40 CST 10/07/99 |
You might be asking yourself, "What is Gigolo doing here in the Demo's section?". Well,
for some reason people send me demo's. So here I am. I upped Headshot a while back, and
I also got some jump demos for Urban3 and rh_station. Those are at the "Movie Action" section, so check em
out. Bye for now.
Back once again |
23:40 CET 13/06/99 |
Yep we're back once again. The demo's are not flying in at the moment and i'm wondering
if anyone is rolling the camera's at all. I had a few submissions but some of them were not
really that good and others we're about making special jumps. I'm still in negotiation with
Awol from Stunt Double about who should
have the stunts on his page, so for now keep sending them to me as well as to him. And please
, please pretty please don't make make me watch anymore Urban jumps because i have seen them
ALL by now. Ok that's it keep them coming and i'll put em up. (that is, if they are good)
Demo section up and running again |
14:50 CET 29/04/99 |
The Demo section of the Guild page is up and running again. So we want to you to send your demos
that you have recorded and/or edited. Kissmet went Snowboarding and is no longer the author of this
section. New authors are Xineon (that's me) and Mr.Wolf. You can send your demos to this
address. The same rules apply as before. The demos shouldn't be bigger than 750kb zipped and they have to be zipped.
If you haven't recammed your demo, it is unlikely that the demo will be posted unless you do something spectacular in it.
If you sent us a demo and we haven't released it, please do not mail us asking why it wasn't released
(the most likely reason is that it wasnt good enough).
If you've never edited a demo and want to do it, I suggest you download KeyGrip2 from
PlanetQuake and read its tutorial.
I dont want you to mail me with questions how to edit demos. You'll get the general idea from the tutorial.
- [NOPD]Xineon
Add-on is out Stunt Double moved |
07:10 CET 26/03/99 |
Good morning everyone :) I'm about to leave for the easter (I'll be back next Sunday
(4/4/99)) I've been talking to AWOL at
Stunt Double
lately and we are going to try to clearify who did the diffrent jumps first etc.
You might want to check out hes site too, as he is posting jumps I won't post,
however he just moved the site to stomped so
you'll have to be patient :))
Planning Chapter 1 & 2 add-on |
23:10 CET 23/03/99 |
There is going to be a chapter 1 & 2 add-on at Friday (I'm going to leave town afterwards,
I'll be back around the 04/04/99).
Chapter 2 is out. |
07:00 CET 21/03/99 |
Chapter 2 added to the Action Bible. I were supposed to upload a few more things now but
they will have to wait until tomorrow as I've been up for almost 30 hours.
Demos at Download section |
21:00 CET 13/03/99 |
Demos are now added under the download section, go have a look :)
AQ:G BlockWar Bonus |
03:40 CET 07/03/99 |
There is a "bonus" update today/night, this is to all of you that plays
AQ:G at BlockWar. It's the
most bacis moves and secrets about BlockWar, if you think you know it all you'll most likly
get a surprise :)
Chapter 01 update |
06:00 CET 06/03/99 |
Action Bible Chapter 01 is updated to v1.0 it now got 4 demos instead off 3. The 4'th one
isn't as daring as the 3 first but it's still worth downloading.
For those off you who play AQ:G
there is going to be a surprise tomorrow so stay tuned :)
Sorry about the delay. |
00:20 CET 03/03/99 |
Ok I'm back after a really nasty computer crash :( I've added the first chapter of the
Action Bible (v.95), which will be revised shortly (I lost some off the demos that were supposed
to be included when I my computer crashed).
First real demo news update :) |
23:00 CET 17/02/99 |
So now you know what the demo page will look like, that is if Suislide liked this :) There
are at the moment two sections here, Action Bible and Move Action.
The Action Bible will be a series off teaching/hint demos on different maps, it
will show you the jumps in a chase camera / mounted camera and the original demo will also be
include in the zip file. Chapter one will be out tomorrow (were supposed to be out today but it
seams KeyGrip2 deleted all my jpg files in the action/scrnshot/folder).
The Movie Action will be a section where you can send in demos, both unedited and
edited demos, this is were you will show off your playing abilities or a nice kill. I'm going to
start accepting demos here really soon, if you got anything that is really good mail it to
me. (Right now I won't download anything that's not ZiP'ed
nor will I download anything more than 750 Kb. If you can't meet those two requirements, please
do not mail me!)