So you want to learn the art form of camping... Ahhhhhh I mean sniping..
so you have mastered the m10 & the m4 (spammer, I call them this because
they aren't accurate...plain and simple). You have snuck up on people with
the handcannon and seen the fear in thier eyes... as they know that
they're going to DIE, and now you want to become one of the lowest form of
life known to mankind, a camper.....
Well most professional spammers will have you belive that you are camping.
But this is quite the contrary.There are 2 types of snipers,
these are
1 Sit back and assess the situation and set em up...
2 Gain position, hold it, and choke the enemy...
The First Type of sniper will be more likely to be shooting at snipers
like him... Shooting long distances is reasonably easy with the rifle
just turn up the zoom ya say...BUT should your team mates get waxed
you wont even see what killed over come this when I shoot at long
distances I will only use 2x zoom, you should be able to see everything
you need to see at x2 zoom, except when they are hiding behind something or
there are obstacles in the way ect.. then I will go up to x4 to take the
shot then I'll go straight back to x2 and try and get a better shot..though some people
like to use x4 zoom straight at the start but this is not for everyone as it's
just as accurate in x2 zoom....but the decision is yours....
As for killing other snipers at distance you will notice they wont stand
still for you. So how do you overcome this? well pregocgnition is the best
thing you can use. Basically, guess work AND just knowing the map, he might be
moving in and out a a crate. Solution, move to a diffrent position try and
narrow his firing arc down to only one side of the crate, he wants to know
where ya went so he has to take a look, he looks = head damage. As you know
where he will be. So he walks into your sight. Or just disappear for about
10 - 15 seconds so he will think you have moved on, and he will begin to
doubt himself that he missed you leaving the area.
(this is a great time to have a look around to check if any of the enemy
are tring to shoot ya + you can check on your team mates,and tell your team
where he is at as well useing basic radio commands). then u jump out
and while he's looking around for targets.. BOOM...
The second type of sniper will die more reguarly BUT he is a huge pain
in the ass to the enemy, as his wepon is the most powerfull weapon in
the game taking only one shot to kill. Ie Head Chest Stomach
(unless someone is wearing the Vest leaving only the Head and Stomach)
As for holding the enemy at bay, If your a Spammer and u rush foward with
your buddies and your freind's head dissapers what do you do, keep
running straight in a line, I think not, u strafe toward some cover whilst moving
forward Thus the sniper has achived his objective it has slowed you down
and allowed the snipers team to gain more control of the map..and
allowing the snipers m10 buddies to have one less m10 shooting at them
this type of sniper will also be excellent at evasion, as he will have to run
more often unless he enjoys spectating. This type of sniper will usally be
good at getting people to follow him and knowing where his team mates are going
what they can see from where they are going and how long its gonna take em
to get there. (this all sounds like a lot but is actually easy. it is just basically
knowing the map..)
Well this all comes down to how well you know the map + Guess work. The
biggest guess you will have to make is knowing when to run.. If you
are left on your own and you can see the nice men with the submachine guns
coming for you, its a party you dont want to be at... the best way to do
this is to disappear from them for a little while then show your self in
the same spot or there abouts take a shot then back off and reload.
The snipers reload is music to the Spammers ears, he thinks your vunarable.
But really you have to back off and while reloading are getting the hell
out of there. Another great tactic is to do this and look back to where
you came from in zoom (just reload the once to suck him in) and your
opponet sees that your gone, (and its quite funny everyone I have ever
played against does it, they look over to the only place you could have
gone BOOM... Thanks for coming) (all whilst running backwards). Then you have
2 choices... 1 Go back, hey why give up a perfectly good sniping position :}
2 Keep running, Good idea if there was more than one Spammer..
Up Close and Personal
What do you do if the enemy's all over you. 1. Dont panic or try and
line up a shot MOVE Don't be There!!!(but u want to be close to him still)
use cover, try and keep your opponent in your feild of veiw as much as
possible... oks now the tricky part you want your opponent to waste his
ammo so how ya do this?. Only one way, give him a target to shoot at!. To
do this, you will have to be sly DO NOT duck in and out of the same hall
way ect. You want him to chase you so you slow down for him if ya have too,
most ppl will take a shot at a target even though they have little to no,
chance of hitting it at all, thus achiveing your objective.. when you hear him
empty his clip, DO NOT run back trying kill him cause he's still got the pistol
and mabey a second clip'o'fun, You don't want to be on even terms with a
opponent at any you want to try and get some distance between the 2
of ya. Reason for this is the sniper rifle is inaccurate when its out of zoom
even worse when you are running jumping ect. Get a resonable distance, while
still making your self a target and keep the enemy thinking he has a chance,
yes this will give him time to pick up another weapon BUT he has to change
from chasing you, And if you really have your act together you will remember how
many people died around where you 2 are fighting so he will obviously be going
to obtain one of those, the rest is simple timing or you can get away and
either try and snipe from another position or pick up another weapon...
But this is a very hard art to learn and you will be put in this situation
during your sniping career. But a good sniper will see when this type of
situation is going to occur and will probably run or if he decides to stay
and kill the attacker while he is on a ladder for example, but if he missed his
shot, time to practise evasion...but you should have reasonble evasion skills
as you have learnt to dodge m10's while you were a spammer...people who choose the
m10 as there weapon excel at this skill they put them selves in it all the time.
I try and keep my sniper rifle at full ammo all the time just incase but
you have to be careful as you never know who is gonna poke ther head around
the corner or what a perfect shot you might miss. I try and time my ammo
reload with after I've shot one or 2 bad guys and can't see all that much more in
zoom in the way of targets I'll relaod then, because it will zoom out and I can
take a look at the bigger picture, and when done reloading it will return back to,
zoom, Plus when it realoads it doesn't make that annoying zoom noise giveing away your
postion should the enemy not know where you are (if they are at a distance and they
didn't hear you realoding). another great time to realod is on ladders, even the good
players screw up and botch a ladder, botching a ladder in zoom is dangerous as you can get
confused easily... while on the ladder your not doing anything anyway so utilize the time
to relaod so you have no chance of missing the match winning shot while realoding....
Where are My buddies???
Know where your team is, the best you can. If you know where your team is going
you can help them by gaining the attention of the enemy so they are spending their time
shooting at the sniper on the roof + emptying their clips,which is (if you time
it right)when your team come around the corner and gee there all these people not looking
at us and reloading= round over Swat Won!!
Knowing where your team is is excellent knowledge, if you are up close and
personal with the other team, you can run to your team mates and all of a sudden
the tide of battle has turned and now they want to run. Knowing where your team mates
are is the best way to back them up if you see your team mates in trouble you can
help them keeping them alive this will help your longevity(this also falls under knowing
the map if you know the map well you should be able to have a fair idea as to where
your spammers are). Now there is one more point that is Extremely Important, if a bad
guy is all over you and you think you can get away thats good BUT. its when you have leg
dammage and your pretty low on life, you will need to make a decision, Do I run to my
friends? cause its very likely that your freinds already know what situation your in,
and do you really want to put them in the same situation as you. Sometimes its best to
sacrafice yourself for the greater good. Just make sure ya make enough noise when
ya die so I know I'm by myself.....
Know the Map
KNOW the map like the back of your hand so much so that its almost sick.
ie When you hear footsteps you will have a good guess as to when they will
be comming around that corner and you will have a good shot at them OR
you know to run and what he will and wont be able to see. Or your can run
backwards in the map (this is retivly easy in any map that you know reasonably
Knowing when to bandage is just common sence if ya get hit in the
stomach (witha sniper riffle) theres no point on bandageing try and get
a shot off into a bad guy before you die(you will kill heaps of ppl like this).
You get hit in the head you wont get the chance to bandage. Chest, well
once again your dead.. not even a chance to bandage try and get a shot off,
unless you have a vest on. it will take you to about 19 - 17 life if you
bandage fast . You jump behind cover BUT its always sneeky to once you have
been shot in the vest your opponet will think you have begun to bandage and
you pop back out and take a shot, sometimes your opponent wont be ready for
that one and he will in the same predicament as you..or worse....
Height Vs Ground and where to aim for...
Oks I prefer height to sniper from as it will allow your to disappear from
the veiw of your opponents should they be on the ground and there is
usally one way in and one way out of high areas and it takes longer
to get up close to you ,on the ground you open yourself to being up
close to a spammer, thus usually you ending up spectating, but on the ground
has its advantages theres usually more dark areas on the ground to hide
and more ways to escape and more of your team. Where should you aim??
thats easy the chest! theres more of it to hit + if they jump you can
still hit the legs which is basicly a death sentence against a sniper..
The head is a good shot but I wont aim for it cause its a small target
and there's more of a chest there and with the rifle all ya got to do
is hit....
When to take the shot
Oks when you are worrying about this u are starting to use your head a
sniper advantage, is hes accurate is someone knows you are shooting at you
you move more eradic thus making you harder to hit. if your sniping from a
roof top and a bad guy is running for a hallway if u dont think its not ganna
hit DONT SHOOT... he probly dosent know you are up there so he will probly be
looking around.(as u know the map, you know the best places to look from and
which ones you can see from where you are so u watch them he shows up he
looks hes dead....) It basicly comes down to common sence thou u have a fair
idea of when you are going to hit and not just ask ya self is it worth basicly
telling him where i am????....+ why waste good ammo.....
What Item Should I use
1 Vest
its good but it makes a big sound when you shoot though but it will alow you
to maybe get hit once.
2 Bandolier
Now I dont see the point of having 26 bullets with the sniper rifle
one shot one kill is what your aiming for...not 4-5 shot and maybe
a kill = a very short sniper career and lots of spectating but you
will get some great screen shots (not what you want) the only reason
I can see why you would choses the Bandolier is for its grenade but
that is personal Choice ( I really dislike the grenade doesn't belong
in team action quake)OR for Night Vision i myself dont like IR as i can
see well enough most of the time, if not ill move to a place where i can..
But some ppl swear by it, once again this comes down to personal choice.
Well everyone knows that this item was designed for the rifle
it reduces flash and makes little to no noise but fails to
increase accuracy or protection or increase your ammo..
remember if they dont know where you are they cant shoot at ya...
laser Sight
what can I say.. if ya pick this one it was by accident it does nothing
for a sniper really.Unless ya really like to be accurate with your pistol..
Stealth Slipper's
well unless you plan on doing lot of running around or trying to set up
ambushes for opponents theses aint much use to ya..but they have their
uses (better in death match)
Team Work
I can not stess to you the importance of teamwork it is imperitive that
your snipers and Spammer's work as a team, single handed efforts will beat
lousy teams, but to beat a good team you are useless, but as a team you can
get into anywhere and kill even the most dug in team, My suggestion is
talk to your clan know what maps you all like and what maps you would
like to play in a clan war and work out tactics for theses maps and
simple radio commands to let your team know the status of a particuar
area that they might not be able see.
Know the map
Oks if ya dont know a map it will stand out so badly to the other team
as u will do some stupid stuff(you may not know it). they only way to gain
better knowlage of the map is to play in it and while being dead have a
look around at the map see what you can see from certain positions, and
what u cant see, Also learn the spawning points for the teams, if you know
where the other team is even before you have seen is a awesome advantage,as
you know where they will be likely to be coming from so you know where is
the best sniping position to go to.
Well that is the basics of the sniper some ppl will disagree with what I
have said but it works for me, (and The Disciple AKA REV haven't lost a clan
war yet...Nor dropped a map...) it may not work for them. personal choice,
and in the words of the musicians 311 "if you don't like it.. well i hope ya do..."
(I am open for discussion about this and would love to hear any comments ppl have
about my arcticle (constructive pls) and any questions they may have about areas
I may have overlooked). My email is [email protected]