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Gooseman: The Man, The Mystery...The Modeler  
by BLaKE    
    Feb.15.1999.9:02pm EST - BLaKE - "Thanks for being my interview guinea pig."

   Recently, I went out into the field and met up with Gooseman, one of the original members of the A-team. If you haven't been on the AQ2 scene long, or just didn't care when you started playing it, Gooseman made many of the original gun models for Action Quake2. On with the interview...

[BLaKE]: How'd you meet up with the a-team?

[Gooseman]: Oh, I donated my models to them back when they were starting up. I played a VERY early version of the mod (back in May I think) and I thought it was really fun. I decided to give them the models I was going to use for my OWN MOD (which I never could have finished anyway). Turns out, they liked the models and then I joined the team and did some more models for them..

[BLaKE]: What was your AQ2 MOD going to be?

[Gooseman]: It was going to be a single player mod similar to Navy SEALS (which I did complete) but I never got enough juice to see it through till the end... school was starting at the time and I kind of lost interest :(

[BLaKE]: What models (if you recall) did you originally do for Action Quake2?

[Gooseman]: Originally, I donated the following models:
-H&K Mk. 23
-H&K MP-5N
-Colt M4A1
-Sig SSG 3000
-Benelli M3 Super 90 shotgun
After I joined the team, I redid some of the animations on the models to make them look better as well as doing some all-new models:
-Mk.23 akimbo pistols
-Terror PPM.
I think that's all I did in the modeling dept. Suislide and miscellaneous people did the rest.

[BLaKE]: Was the A-team planning on using those weapons that you made, or did you inspire them?

[Gooseman]: I made them for my own MOD before I knew about Action Quake2. But when I decided to stop making my own MOD I just stumbled upon Action Quake and thought they might want to use my models instead since they planned on having similar weapons anyway.

[BLaKE]: Which Action Quake2 Models were your favorites(that you made and other people made)?

[Gooseman]: My favorite one that I made would be either the sniper rifle or the M4A1. My favorite one made by someone else would be the SAS or actually the new M mod. I like the idea of VARMS, I should have thought about it earlier.

[BLaKE]: You mentioned to me that you are doing Half-Life models now, what aspects are you doing? Weapons? A new MOD? Player Models?

[Gooseman]: I'm working on weapon models... I've made the meshes for about 8 or 9 of them, and I've animated 2 of them so far. After the weapons are done I plan on doing some player models...I've already got one done...he's a SEAL team CQB member A lot of my models are military oriented and that's one of the reasons why I left Action Quake2...there seemed to be a clash of themes I HOPE to get a MOD going but I have to get the models done first, then I can start coding...that's what I did when I made Navy SEALS..

[BLaKE]: Still offering me exclusive shots? :)

[Gooseman]: Yes, I can give you some pics of the models in Half-Life. Only a few though...I want to keep the guns a bit of a surprise....

[BLaKE]: What do you use to make your models? What is your average time for creation?

[Gooseman]: For all the AQ2 models I used QME 3.1 registered. I also used MS Paint to do the skins Avg. time for a model (including making the mesh, animating the model, making the skin, etc...) is *about* 40 hours That's a rough estimate.

[BLaKE]: Do you use something different for your Half-Life models?

[Gooseman]: I use 3d Studio MAX 2.0 with Character Studio for all the HL models, and I use PhotoShop 5.0 for the skins. The results are much better. Actually, HL models REQUIRE 3dS MAX + Char Studios so... I expect to see fewer MODs for HL compared to Quake2 model format was much more open ended...but then again, I also expect a publicly available model editor for Half-Life sometime in the future...

[BLaKE]: Do you still play Action Quake?

[Gooseman]: Nope...I deleted it. It took up too much HD space...500 megs to be exact. I'm totally concentrating on my Half-Life mod now...Making models at this stage. Man, how could someone delete AQ2?!?!

[BLaKE]: You mentioned that you are almost done with school. What are you Majoring in? Have you planned on what you're going to do when you graduate?

[Gooseman]: Yup, about 2 more semesters left (that's 8 more months) and I'll have my bachelors in Computing Science. After I graduate I'm going to try and get a programming job around my area...I hate my area, it's full of Computer Science people, and the competition pisses me off, and the taxes up here suck ass. Oh well :( He is talking about Canada if I recall correctly.

[BLaKE]: What do you do when you're not studying and making models? This sounds like a dating service. :)

[Gooseman]: Yeah, it does :)
I usually play hockey or watch my Canucks get their asses kicked... On the weekends I spend time with my girlfriend because that's the only time I can see her. I only model on Tuesdays and Thursdays because those are my days off school...even those days are mostly spent doing homework

[BLaKE]: Any tips for young modelers or skinners out there? The wannabes?

[Gooseman]: Actually I'm going to refrain from saying anything here because when I read people being interviewed, this question seems to come up 90% of the time and the answers always sound like bullshit to I'll spare you the BS session :)
You're welcome. your work...observe your mistakes.. blah blah blah...

[BLaKE]: Thanks for being my interview guinea pig. :)

[Gooseman]: No prob.

...After that point, Gooseman and I BSed about some trivial stuff, and both of us came out of the whole ordeal(my first interview) in one piece. But ever after, one thought kept rattling around in my skull....How could someone erase AQ2 from their HD? I'll never understand it, and I'll leave you to ponder it.
Thanks again Gooseman,

Those exclusive shots you read about
usp45-1.jpg usp45-2.jpg usp45-3.jpg urban-1.jpg urban-2.jpg urban-3.jpg
bennel~1.jpg m4a1-1.jpg sg552-1.jpg steyrt~1.jpg steyrt~2.jpg