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Mr.Kill: Lay me some skin, bro!  
by Hammer    

Hammer: How'd you find out about Action Quake?
Mr.Kill: From my brother and fellow skinner, Mr. NO.
Hammer: How long have you been playing?
Mr.Kill: Umm, since version .92 (late August I believe) back before the M4, and when the handcannon looked like a immense booster seat for kids.
Hammer: (For our less observant readers) which action skins have you made?
Mr.Kill: The "action" skins I have made are (in this order): Police & Thug (male), Crip, BadMutha, Blood, Killer, & Goodfella (Actionmale).
Hammer: What inspired the whole crips/bloods/cops thing? The Police skin was "inspired" by the cop skin that came with the original AQ,...v.95 I think. You know the solid blue one.... Good God Man! that was a wretched excuse for a skin, so I made the police skin as a replacement. I really had no intentions on uploading it to any web pages but my brother encouraged me to do so. He had already distributed quite a few of his skins on the web (Vince & Jules, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Axel Foley, Steven Seagal, & Scarface, all for the Actionmale) so I figured I'd make a few of my own and distribute them. While my bro concentrated on Deathmatch skins, I went the Teamplay route. The police skin was done already, so I needed an opponent, I dabbled with the notion of a robber.....but I didn't want to use the old B&W striped bandit so I made a Thug/Biker instead. Unfortunately since the upload I haven't seen this skin anywhere on any of the servers so can only assume that it was corrupt somehow or no one wants to use it......alas....... The idea for the Crips/Bloods was for what ever reason the next obvious choice for me. The two classic CTF colors, blue & red, you can't go wrong I made them.
Hammer: Are you an artist as a hobby, outside of skinning?
Mr.Kill: Not as a hobby, I am a graphic artist for a small software developer.
Hammer: How long have you been making skins?
Mr.Kill: Well I guess the first skin I made was for Wolfenstein 3D. You can't really call it a skin because they were just sprites in those days. For those of you who remember that game....I had taken one of the guards, the one in the white uniform that screamed "Spian!" and made him into one of those Gestapo officers in the black uniforms...damn that was a few years ago.....anyways, the only other skins I have made for Quake2 were a few personalized ones for the SAS model..... for my friends and myself so we could identify eachother individually in deathmatch servers and team up (B4 the days of Teamplay), the CrackHead skin for the grey model....(a little crack addict) and an Executioner for the Waste model.
Hammer: What do you use to make your skins?
Mr.Kill: Photoshop, NST, Skinview, and Modelviewer.
Hammer: What's the average time necessary for creating a skin?
Mr.Kill: 2-4 hours non-stop (if I have a solid idea of what I want), 8+ w/breaks ie food, gaming, ..etc
Hammer: What's the most important thing to remember when making a skin?
Mr.Kill: To remember that you are working on a 3D object. Always use what's termed in painting as chiaroscuro, the manipulation of light and shade to give the effect of modelling. The convienience of skinning is you already have the model all you have to do is give it some depth.
Hammer: What's your favorite skin overall?
Mr.Kill: Hell there is a lot of good ones, I'm not real good in the Memory Dept but a few come to WarMachine for the male model. umm....and that new Evil Ernie model, nice skin on that one. Oh yeah and the blue CTF skin for that model Evil Bastard made.....can't remember the name...."Gattamelata" something like that.
Hammer: How bout for action?
Mr.Kill: Chuck Norris, by my brother Mr. looks just like chuck from that crap movie Invasion USA.
Hammer: What model do you want to make some skins for?
Mr.Kill: Good question, not sure really. I would love to make a set of Good and Evil skins for Tribes....we'll see about that one though. I have had requests to do one for the Shotgun Messiah of Castor Troy. I had wanted to make some WWII skins for the Actionmale model....WaffenSS, Marines, Russians, Japanese...etc etc... I just haven't had the time.
Hammer: What models do you like the best?
Mr.Kill: SAS, Blade, Evil Ernie, PKnight, name a few.
Hammer: What new skins are you working on?
Mr.Kill: Currently, None. I do intend on at least making a skin for my clan =AR= That's if I can find the it stands now I have no time....
Hammer: What do you do when you're not making skins or playing quake?
Mr.Kill: W O R K I N G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !