![]() Jan.29.1999.4:08pm EST Suislide - "RAMBLINGS MOSTLY" |
If you do not have the actor's guild model pack 1 yet then
scroll down a few updates and get it. The Action Quake version of the skinview
mod is there too.
I made some updates to the page but I am not done yet so there are some pages that are incomplete. I'll add a downloads page soon that will make getting the downloads easier. I also added a tutorial in the optionals section to help people out with using things like gold akimbo pistols. We haven't converted the files over to the new name standard so they aren't in pak files yet. So you will have to try and figure it out based on the tutorial's info for now. I am still waiting for someone to make a new weapon model to be an optional. I would love to see someone make a .357 with a scope to replace the sniper rifle or a desert eagle to replace the mk23. Uzi to replace the mp5, m16 or ak47 to replace the m4. Well, those are justa few ideas. If you make them we will post them. The optionals section is the most liberal thing we have. Almost anything will be accepted, regardless of quality (unless it is pr0n or something else totally unrelated). The skins and models sections are more selective because once we accept those they will go into packs that are required downloads whereas the optionals section is just that. Optional things. |
![]() Jan.31.1999.8:30pm EST Unorthodox - "TOUCHDOWN!!" |
While most of you are glued to your television sets
watching the thirty-third superbowl, I anxiously await the Simpsons superbowl
special and kill time with some updates :)
The optionals section is really filling out with content, lots of talented artists out there contributing their skills to the AQ2 community.. I've also typed up a little explanation for those of you who are having trouble installing the various new goodies in the optionals/others section - I hope it helps! |
![]() Jan.29.1999.4:08pm EST Suislide - "RAMBLINGS MOSTLY" |
I just wanted to let you guys know that there is a demos
page coming here real soon so maybe that will boost the demo scene a little. I
honestly think that AQ is the perfect medium for many demos that are shot in
regular quake2 and look silly.
I had actually already made a button for this site and just hadn't gotten around to uploading it yet. I am kinda glad I didn't though because although mine looks better on a site that has a black background (like the main aq page) I think Unorthadox's is a better looking button over all. (rambling again) Anyways, I mostly just wanted to let you know I was still paying attention and to mention the upcoming demo page. Yet I would like to say that If you have any skills at all you can put them to use here. Modelors can make alternate models so people could use a colt 1911 instead of the mk23 for example or they can make a player model. Skinners can make alternate skins or new player skins. Sound guys can make new sounds. You can make demos, new pictures, crosshairs, config files, console backgrounds, windows themes, tutorials, etc. If it is AQ related and doesn't fit on the other sites then this is where it should go. Also, if you have any suggestions for the site or ideas on how it can be improved (new features, sections, whatever) then let one of us know and we will look into it. Oh, please do not send me a bunch of files. Unorthadox has a much faster connection speed and can handle the flow of files better. Oh yeah, and I added a quote since I like having a quote on the page. If you ever go to the Action Quake homepage you should probably be accustomed to it already. |
![]() Jan.28.1999.02:30pm EST - Unorthodox - "MORE DOWNLOADABLES" |
Once again, thank-you's go out to all the creative people
out there flooding me with content to put up on the site and giving the Actor's
Guild their vote for support. I'm trying to get through these emails as fast
as I can! There's an update in the Optionals section that I don't think anyone
will want to miss, so drive your browser over there and check it out!
I've also gotten some emails from a bunch of you asking for a button that they could use to link to the Actor's Guild so I put one together really fast, you can simply paste this code on to your web page: <A HREF="https://assets.aq2world.com/archive/websites/guild.action-web.net"><IMG SRC="https://assets.aq2world.com/archive/websites/guild.action-web.netthe_actors_guild.gif" ALT="The Actor's Guild" BORDER=0></A> |
![]() Jan.25.1999.06:30pm EST - Unorthodox - "AND WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS" |
Thanks to all the people who have submitted stuff so far! We have updates in the Optionals (new sounds and crosshairs!) and Skins sections for your downloading pleasure. For those submissions that haven't made it up here yet - don't fret - I'll get to them ASAP, I wasn't anticipating such a nice (and big) flow of content, but nothing makes me happier! Keep 'em comin'! |
![]() Jan.24.1999.05:30am EST - Suislide - "WE'RE OPENING!" |
Ok, well this site is now officially open. I am so tired I should pobably wait until tomorrow to post this but I want to get it done now. Here are the files I talked about on the Action Quake homepage: The Action Quake version of the skinview mod is right here: AQskinview.exe The very first Action Quake skin and model pack is right here: modelpak1.exe If you didn't notice I only uploaded the exe versions for now. The zip versions will come later probably. If you really need them then let me know and I will upload them sooner. This site NEEDS your guys' contributions to survive. Please send anything you can to Unorthodox. His email is in the last update, I am too tired to copy it. Just about everything not covered by the other Action Quake sites will end up right here on the Actor's Guild. Just please don't send maps since there is a map depot. This site will be Action Quake oriented but it is not ONLY for Action Quake. It will also server as a reservoir of knowledge for people who want to 'know'. Lot's of interviews, tutorials, etc. will be here before long. The more that this site is successful then the more content we will be able to drag in. Things have just been hectic lately. The site is still being formed really and this is just the beggining of it. Big thank you to everyone who contributed to what went into these 2 downloads. I think they are appropriate for kicking off this new site. |
![]() Jan.13.1999.04:15pm EST - Unorthodox - "WE'RE OPENING!" |
Well, we've finally gotten our act together and have goodies sprinkled throughout this site for you to download; skins, custom crosshairs and some brand-spanking new models for Action Quake! Welcome in and enjoy! |