Sent in By: (WC)-CyRIS bind q "use special" /switch to special weapon bind crl or mouse1 "+attack" /fire bind z "weapon" Basic commands bind f "drop weapon" bind mwheelup "bandage" /this is to bandage when you are bleeding bind mouse2 "reload" /this is to reload your weapon bind e "opendoor" /this is to open doors (duh) bind w "+forward" bind d "+moveright" bind a "+moveleft" bind i "irvision" / handedness alias righthand "hand 0; bind mwheeldown lefthand; echo Right hand" alias lefthand "hand 1; bind mwheeldown righthand; echo Left hand" bind mwheeldown "righthand" Communication bind t "messagemode" /send message bind y "messagemode2" /send a team only message bind F4 "wave j" /flip off bind F5 "wave k" /salute bindd F7 "wave l" /taunt // Radio Commands //numbers (each says the corresponding number to your teammates) bind KP_END "radioteam 1" bind KP_PGDN "radioteam 7" bind KP_downarrow "radioteam 8" bind UPARROW "radioteam forward" bind DOWNARROW "radioteam back" bind LEFTARROW "radioteam left" bind RIGHTARROW "radioteam right" bind HOME "radioteam up" bind PGUP "radioteam down" OTHERS bind KP_HOME "taunts" alias taunts "taunt1" alias taunt1 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Enemy Down;alias taunts taunt2" alias taunt2 "radioteam enemyd;say_team There goes my HERO;alias taunts taunt3" alias taunt3 "radioteam enemyd;say_team eww..that's gonna leave a mark;alias taunts taunt4" alias taunt4 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Hail to the king BABY!!;alias taunts taunt5" alias taunt5 "radioteam enemyd;say_team I AM GOD!!!!;alias taunts taunt6" alias taunt6 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Tagem and Bagen, he aint getten up;alias taunts taunt7" alias taunt7 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Snoochie Boochie;alias taunts taunt8" alias taunt8 "radioteam enemyd;say_team You Got knocked the FUCK OUT!!;alias taunts taunt9" alias taunt9 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Are you talken to me;alias taunts taunt10" alias taunt10 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Im gonna be needing another victim over here;alias taunts taunt11" alias taunt11 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Did I do that;alias taunts taunt12" alias taunt12 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Wonder if he likes my %W??;alias taunts taunt13" alias taunt13 "radioteam enemyd;say_team You have just been WRECKED!!;alias taunts taunt14" alias taunt14 "radioteam enemyd;say_team That might stain;alias taunts taunt15" alias taunt15 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Anyone got some stain remover??;alias taunts taunt1" bind KP_uparrow "say_team TEAMMATE DOWN..; radioteam teamdown" // Cover me! bind KP_leftarrow "say_team I need some cover fire!!!;radioteam cover" // GO! bind KP_5 "say_team go %T;radioteam go" // Team, report in bind rightarrow "say_team who's still with me; radioteam treport" // Reporting in bind kp_pgup "say_team Im still kicken with %H and %W..; radioteam reportin"