^7ths0n^ - 11.5.1999 |
VivitronAK |
CoreDump |
Spawn Snipe |
Ghengis |
none |
Cold, Mes.. (laser sight) |
~MeretriX |

-Blitz - 09.26.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] AHL Crosshairs and Laser
Sights from Blitz. |

-Infection=NASA= - 09.26.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Sniper Crosshair from
Infection=NASA=. |

-{FOO}Schtoos - 09.26.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] X-hair from {FOO}Schtoos |

-[mG]-Organ - 09.04.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Sniper, Laser and X-Hair pak
from [mG]-Organ. |

-He@d-RipPeR - 09.04.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Green Tree Sniper crosshair
from He@d-RipPeR |

-He@d-RipPeR - 09.04.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Black Sniper crosshair from
He@d-RipPeR |

-He@d-RipPeR - 09.04.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Green crosshair from
He@d-RipPeR |

-He@d-RipPeR - 09.04.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Green and red crosshair from
He@d-RipPeR |

-s3ntry - 09.04.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] He didn't submit a
screenshot, so I have no clue what it looks like. Lesson: SEND A PIC!! |

-Kiribati - 08.09.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Uhm, look at the pic. They
are from Kiribati, like it says above. Damn I'm tired. |

-Kivas - 08.09.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Crosshair from the PSX game
Syphon Filter, by 989 Studios. |

-]EA[Armageddon - 08.09.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Crosshair from the PSX game
Syphon Filter, by 989 Studios. |

-SpedDmn[11] - 07.26.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] A very wide sniper crosshair
with a neat zoom indicator. |

-D.O.A. - 07.23.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] 2 colors of chain animated
crosshairs. |

-D.O.A. - 07.23.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] 2 colors of bar animated
crosshairs. |

-alexandr - 07.16.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Some great lookin crosshairs.

-D.O.A. - 07.16.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] D.O.A. hits us again with a
good looking animated crosshair. 7 colors to choose from! |

-D.O.A. - 07.12.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Probably one of the coolest
crosshair ideas just keeps getting better, more animated crosshairs for ya to check out! |

-Canus - 07.12.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] A skull laser sight. |

-UR-Jack In The Box - 07.12.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Some simple sniper
crosshairs, made not to strain your eyes. |

[VfN]HaKa - 07.10.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Here are some regular
crosshairs, for aiming in different enviroments. |

MadMan - 07.10.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Laser sight with a smiley
face. |

sCiEnCe - 07.05.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] A really nice circular
crosshair. |

Blackman - 07.05.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] A laser sight based on the
Predator series |

He@d-RipPeR - 07.05.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] A green slanted x-hair. |

Xenian - 06.28.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Sniper Crosshairs from Saving
Private Ryan. |

Weird 1 - 06.28.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] An animated crosshair! |

[R7]Zappah - 06.28.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] A really great looking sniper
crosshair. |

Pimpitron - 06.28.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] 4 crosshairs total, with an
akimbo specific crosshair. |

Blackman - 06.28.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] A Sniper Crosshair based on
the scope in Judge Dredd. |

Frost - 06.22.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] A crosshair that helps you in
knife throwing. |

[KGB]_Kaya - 06.22.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] If you have ever not been
able to see your crosshair, these are for you. |

Gigolo - 06.13.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Desop's crosshairs with the
labels on them. |

Desop-KUI- - 06.11.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Here are some super simple
sniper crosshairs from Desop. They are effective and not too distracting. |

Droch - 04.02.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Finally! Here are some
Regular X - Hairs. Not Sniper Crosshairs but regualar ones. They are bright and colorful. |

-=GimpSlayer{HoR}=- - 04.02.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Here are More sniper
crosshairs that i personally like from Gimp! |

GERMANFf - 04.02.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Here are some pretty Neat
Sniper X - Hairs From GERMANFf. |

Speddmn - 03.12.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] These are some pretty cool
Sniper Hairs from Speddmn. I especially like the Bar under the actual crosshairs
themselves. |

_| oni Ylist� - 03.12.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Here are some more sniper
crosshairs that i thought you would all like! Thanks to all you guys who make these
awesome things! |

]EA[Armageddon - 03.12.1999
TO DOWNLOAD] Heres some sniper crosshairs
that i thought were pretty cool! You might like em too! They look professional to me but
you be the judge. |

Master (gs) - 02.11.1999
DOWNLOAD] Master(gs) submit's his
tastefully made sniper crosshairs for your targetting pleasure. You can grab his
GL-friendly version of the same crosshairs by clicking here.

Kludge - 02.11.1999
DOWNLOAD] Kludge sends us some more nice
and clean sniper crosshairs that should help you nail those baddies between the eyes every
time! |

Alexander - 06.23.1999
Another fix on his original, this crosshair boasts better
accuracy and a cleaner look. |

Jaeger - 01.25.1999
DOWNLOAD] Ahh, another creation inspired
by Mr. Clark, this time coming to us from Jaeger are (for lack of a better name) the
Double Trees! Great for Akimbo Pistols! |

Suislide - 01.01.1999
Some alternative crosshairs for your sniper rifle. |

Mr. Clark - 01.01.1999
From Mr. Clark come 3 new crosshairs for both left and right
handed users, the zip file also includes good instructions on installing the .pak files. |

Unorthodox - 01.01.1999
DOWNLOAD] Inspired by Mr. Clark's
"green tree" crosshair which attempts to compensate for distance between you and
your target, this one adds two more notches for closer and further targets. |

Guppyshark[FA] - 12.14.1998
Guppyshark from the land of Oz offers us his own nifty custom
crosshair. |