![]() Jun.23.1999.8:25pm EST - Hammer - "ALL'S QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT" |
OK, I got a new site for skinning type tutorials. Check Goldbug's site Also, I totally reorganized the tutorials so they're grouped better. Skinning with Skinning, modeling with modeling, etc. C'mon people, please send me stuff. Really. |
![]() May.21.1999.7:25pm EST - Hammer - "OK, MAYBE I DID DIE" |
OK, I've been getting a lot of emails recently. Unfortunately, most of them have just been complaints and problems. Hopefully, I answered everybody's questions in a timely manner. I tried to, at least. BUT.....I would like some emails with sites for tutorials, or potential interviews, or other productive, post-able stuff. So somebody hook me up. If you've made a gunskin - write a tutorial on how to do it. I'll post it, I promise. As always, if you want to see anybody interviewed, please, LET ME KNOW C'mon people, please send me stuff. |
![]() Apr.21.1999.9:25pm EST - Hammer - "MORE STUFF FOR YOU!!" |
I added an interview with cloud, and a sniper tutorial by Rev.Spartacus. Cloud made the Actionrally model and is working on the revolver model replacement for the sniper rifle. As always, if you want to see anybody interviewed, please, LET ME KNOW The shootings in Colorado have tremendously disturbed me. I cannot believe that kids could do something remotely that detached from reality. |
![]() Apr.14.1999.4:17pm EST - Hammer - "I SWEAR I DIDN'T DIE!!" |
I added some more tutorials from a site called 3d Palette, and have gotten some folks pointed in the correct direction to get us more tutorials of our own and also more interviews. If you want to see anybody interviewed, please, LET ME KNOW I love my car!!!! Atlanta springs are perfect for convertibles. |
![]() Mar.24.1999.7:47pm EST - Hammer - "TUTORIALS, TUTORIALS, TUTORIALS!!" |
I have linked to three pages that have a phenomenal number of tutorials on 3D Studio Max. I mean even if you had a stick, you couldn't shake it at all these tutorials!!! So, go there and learn how to use 3D Studio Max, which is a great program for Quake 2 and Half Life Modeling. Oh, and if you find any sites with tutorials, send them to me at the e-mail address in the header!!!!!!! Oh, I sure hope this loan stuff works out so I can get that Mustang Cobra. I go to look at it in the morning. Mmmmm... convertible..... |
![]() Mar.23.1999.6:27pm EST - Hammer - "KEEP THE SUBMISSIONS COMING" |
The action art section is officially dead. Sorry to see it go. We have 3 new articles (2 sniper and 1 close combat). So we need somebody to whip up a handcannon guide. And some more basic and advanced tactics from some of the better clans might be helpful. I also have new tutorials and utilities for you folks who want to skin and model. I'm going to an arcade auction this weekend, in fact, and might pick up Karate Champ if I can find it for less than $100. And I STILL might buy a Mustang Cobra this week. I got one picked out, and applied for the loan. |
![]() Mar.18.1999.9:25pm EST - Hammer - "TUTORIALS AND ARTICLES" |
Sorry there haven't been many updates recently, I had an attack of Georgia Tech. But finals are over now, so I have a lot more time. We've lost Grunt, so send those submissions to me now. I put a whole buttload of tutorials up, and I added two articles (knifing and newbie guides) I ended up picking up Millipede and Tiger Heli at the arcade auction. I'm still looking for Karate Champ though. And I might buy a Mustang Cobra this week. |
![]() Mar.5.1999.9:01pm EST - Hammer - "MR.SOFTS TUTORIAL" |
Mr. Soft's Tutorial on Modeling is up, and it's well done. It's written from the first time he tried to make a model, so it should shove you beginning model makers in the right direction. Also, I've finally gotten around to putting Paintshop Pro up for download in the utilities section. It's the program that most skinners swear by, so if you're interested, go and get it. It's a little big, but it does the job well. I'm going to a video game auction tomorrow (like stand up arcade games). I'm juiced. I hope to pick up Karate Champ, and maybe something else cool. |
![]() Mar.2.1999.4:01am EST - Hammer - "QUICKIE" |
The Oddjob Vwep tutorial is up. In addition to being a highly informative tutorial, he has also blessed us with some alternate vwep models for your player models. A tommy gun, an M1, and more!!!! Also, the utilities section is growing, so if you know of something that's missing, send me a link to the web page it's from, and I'll try to add it. O, and I've been told that a number of tutorials are on the way, so please stay tuned. Didn't I say I wasn't gonan stay up till 4 doing this. Oh well. I'm gonna graduate next fall, after 9 grueling years (on and off) of Georgia Tech. Possibly me greatest achievement, so I thought I'd share. for future reference, going back to school is harder than sticking it out. |
![]() Mar.1.1999.5:51pm EST - Hammer - "YOU ASKED, WE DELIVERED" |
Here we are again with another double interview posting. This time, we've got a modeler (oddjob) and a skinner (Mr.Kill) so head on over to the interviews section and check them out. I also have added a utilities section, which will allow you to get all the shareware/freeware programs for making and editing skins, models, etc. Stay tuned for more on this as the days progress. OK, I really need some tutorials and articles. If you know how to do something, tell me about it. It's your chance to be immortalized on the web. Come on people, participate already :) |
![]() Feb.27.1999.11:45am EST - Grunt - "HARD DRIVE CRASH" |
Its been a while since my last update... I would have uploaded a new image everyday like I said, but my hard drive had some problems:( Anyways, had to get it reformated, so I lost all my files... Then I had to get all my ICQ contacts back, took a while to get my FTP password too... Anyways, I did some cleaning in the art section. I now have only 10 images to the main page, then you have to click next ten. The main page had like 20 images, and it was taking to long to load. I added two new images, one is a quicky image by myself, nothing special, and another from DarkEclipse, he is the same guy as Deathknight, but wants to be called DarkEclipse! A great image he sent, very funny, a must see! |
![]() Feb.24.1999.12:45am EST - Shinobi - "AGGRAVATION" |
That Suislide interview wasn't supposed to be posted just yet. There were a few errors and I was working on a few other things I wanted finished first. Unfortunately someone took it upon themselves to publicize it anyway. I just now found out about it, so I went back in quickly and fixed the errors and also uploaded a new tutorial and article. I was currently working to have two articles up, one being a strategy for taking on certain types of players. I was also putting together a gaming guide, but it has to be put on hold now so I can make these quick updates. |
![]() Feb.22.1999.5:51pm EST - Hammer - "MORE INTERVIEWS!" |
Well, Grunt has stuck to his word. There's been another scene up every day so far. So always check back. And I have kept to my word. We have TWO new interviews, one with Suislide, and one with mapper and all around cool guy, BunnyX. On the coming soon front, we have a number of articles, tutorials, and interviews that will be here any day now. If you have any suggestions for folks to interview, please, send them to me. I'll try my hardest to get with those people and see what we can come up with. I have a problem. I played action WAY too much this past week. According to clq, I played 1439 minutes. That's absolutely pitiful. I need a life. Where's my fiance? |
![]() Feb.18.1999.3:38am EST - Grunt - "NEW SECTION!" |
Ok this is my first posting. I am the newest staff member here at the Guild. I am running the Action Art section under the Develpers area. These are a bunch of images that I have made, and I call them scenes:) They are all edited to look awesome. Anyways I will try to make at least one scene a day, and upload it, so if you like the scenes check back everyday to see a new one! If you have a 'scene' send to me, and if its good, I will upload it and give you credit. From Hammer - also don't forget to check out the Gooseman interview and look for more groovy-ness to come!!!!! |
![]() Feb.16.1999.3:17pm EST - Hammer - "GOT SOMETHING!" |
This'll be short, cause I'm kinda sleepy. I have managed to get some tutorials for you developing-crazy folks out there. Check them out on (of all places) the tutorials page (look to the left. Yeah, there it is.) And I have solid leads on at least two interviewss and two more tutorials.    Start sending your developer articles today. Beat the rush!!! Anything that you think you know how to do well, send an article to me. I'll try to post it on the site. It can be about modeling, skinning, making sounds, creating the kewlest configs, whatever. I wanna hear what you folks know! So send me articles. Go on, it's not like English class or anything (although I will correct your grammar before posting =P) so send em in. Thanks. I hope to have an interview with some of the creators of sin(ritual) and another one with some guys at Red Storm (creators of Rainbow 6) Cross your fingers |
![]() Feb.15.1999.8:17pm EST - Hammer - "THE NEW GUY" |
Well, this is MY first update, and unfortunately, I don't have any content to update you on. Don't worry, though, I have a crack team of investigators out there scouring the earth for tutorials and interviews, among other things. In no time, we'll have some juicy stuff for you would-be modelers, skinners, and such. Heck, we'll even have articles submitted by you, the action quake consuming community. Now for the usual contact information - E-mail me at [email protected] and I will try to answer any question you have, or at least find the right person to answer it. Thanks, and enjoy. Send me content!!!!! |