![]() Feb.26.1999.01:14pm EST Unorthodox - "NEW GUN MODELS" |
If you like the idea of replacing the MP5 with an Uzi, the M4 with an AK47 and are interested in making that sniper rifle look a tad different then head on over to the Optionals section for a very exciting submission! |
![]() Feb.25.1999.11:14am EST Unorthodox - "YEE HAW" |
If it's gunskins you're after then drive on over to the Optionals section for new shotgun, handcannon, mp5, grenades, pistol, bulletholes, and some more! There's a lot more where this came from so keep that bookmark handy because we're going to make sure that you want to keep coming back for more :) |
![]() Feb.24.1999.5:24pm EST RogueWarrior - "STUFF" |
There's some little things here and there around the site that are new. You probably notice that the optionals page is finally back up an running. Also the counter was on the fritz but is back up and ticking away. The developer's section is growing, Grunt has kept up by adding a new image everyday to the Action Art page. There's an informative tutorial on how to add an Action tab to GameSpy on the Tutorials page. Also we got an interview with the one we all know as Suislide, and a great map maker BunnyX. Pretty soon we are going to have a much better way to vote for new skins and models. Also we have some more requests for skins and models. Among them a Navy Seal model, and skins to go with, including my mentor the real life Rogue Warrior, Richard Marcinko. Check out the new pic of the day its actually a set of two that are sure to knock your socks off. Finally the downloads page is filling out among other things that are going on behind the scenes too. |
![]() Feb.24.1999.7:16pm EST Unorthodox-"GOO GOO G'JOOB" |
We have some more activity in the Optionals/Other section so you can head on down there and take a gander at what there is to offer. Obviously the optionals page is fixed by now (but now the counter's broken - aii! Never a boring day) and you can leech leech leech. All you readers have also probably noticed that I am getting a heck of a lot of help with this site, things are moving along nicely and we're getting internally reorganized to make sure that there will be something new every day for all of you fans to check out. I myself have received plenty of skins, models, sounds, crosshairs etc and am redistributing them among the staff responsible for those sections. Some of you have sent your own versions of .pak files gluing together your favourite tweaks to the AQ2 mod - they're all appreciated, and I check them all out, but we're going to save the "big" .pak releases for a bit and hit you all with some nicely organized updates you can just grab in one shot and start showing off all the new do-dads featured on the Actor's Guild. We're still desperately looking for people making alternative gun models as well, so if anyone is working on those let us know! :) |
![]() Feb.22.1999.3:16am EST RogueWarrior-"RAMBLINGS MOSTLY" |
Hey everyone it's me again RogueWarrior and I am actually
making an update one day after the last one. I know your saying WOW! That
hasn't happened here at the guild in a little while. Luckily for you folks out
there I don't like to disappoint you. That last update really made me look like a liar. The optionals page is still not fixed. I know this so you can stop sending me email saying it's broken. Also Suislide and I were a little busy last night trying to figure out a message board so he didn't get a chance to revamp the downloads page. I was going to put up another pic o' the day but sadly I didn't get any good ones to put up. If you want to send in artwork send it to Grunt so it will be posted on the action art page, the pic of the day is for screenshots so keep sending them in. As for the new stuff there is a News Archive now for last months news and the guild masters page has its own navbar so its easier to get to the staff page. We had some a few requests for skins lately. One of them is Leon from the movie The Professional and the others were the two guys from the movie Face Off. I forget the characters names but its Nicholas Cage and John Travolta. So you skinners out there get busy and send your stuff in. Well that's it for now folks, and remember to keep coming back we'll always try to have something new for ya. A little busy last night working on that damn message board? I was up till 7 in the morning |
![]() Feb.21.1999.4:07am EST RogueWarrior - "SLOW NEWS DAY" |
Well, as you can tell there isn't any big breaking updates going on here at the guild. This is the first update in a few days so bear with us. As you can see its really late and I am really tired so this is going to be short. The Action Art page has some new stuff thanks to Grunt. The downloads page is currently getting revamped by Suislide. Unfortunately the demos page is on hold because Kissmet's computer is on the fritz, but I guarantee you once it's up you will find some great learning resources there. We are also updating the look a little bit here and there nothing major though. Our pic of the day is turning into the pic of the week so submit your screenshots to me since Unorthodox is kinda busy with other stuff and I'll make sure we get some good ones posted. Other than that the site is still growing and filling out slowly but surely. The problem with the optionals page should be fixed by morning so you can get your gold akimbo pistols. We are sorry about the problem in the first place should have never happened. Well that's all for now happy fragging. I hope I can wake up tomorrow to work on my design project that's due Tuesday |
![]() Feb.18.1999.2:45am EST Hammer - "MORE NEW STUFF" |
Well, there's a bunch of new stuff to be found here. We've added an action art page, with a bunch of really awesome pictures from Grunt. This you absolutely must see. It's in the developers section. Then, there are skins to be voted on at the skins section, there are hints of things to come at the models section, heck, there are even downloads on the downloads page (finally). Soon you won't have to dig through news updates to find the link to that file you heard about. Also, go check out the interview with Gooseman over at the developers section. It has 11 previously unreleased shots of the weapon and player models he's done/doing for half life! And if that's not enough for you, the demos section is almost in full swing, and will be one of the most informative sections around. Kissmet has some incredible surprises for you there. Ever want to jump TO the middle building in urban? And that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I gotta start working on this stuff BEFORE 2 in the morning. I just hope I make sense, and can remember to close my tags :P |
![]() Feb.17.1999.3:02am EST RogueWarrior - "ANOTHER QUICKIE" |
Head on over to the skins page, its finally startin to take shape, still needs a lot of work though. Or go on over to the Guild Master's to check out the new staff page, and find out who all the people are that are busting there rumps to bring you this wonderful site. I also got my man Blake out there interviewing Gooseman (the original gun modeler for aq2). Hopefully he's gonna write up a tutorial for us and same goes for the master modeler EvilBastard (The guy who brought us Sydney among other great models). So keep sending in your articles, tutorials, optionals, skins, models, Whatever you got send it in. We love to see what your creating! |
![]() Feb.16.1999.3:26pm EST Hammer - "A QUICKIE" |
Just wanted to let everybody know that the ball is rolling! We have three modeling tutorials over in the developers section, and have started on numerous interviews and tutorials from different people throughout the Quake community. I also want to take this opportunity to ask that you, the dedicated action Quake 2 fan, submit articles about modeling, skinning, config files, or whatever you're really good at creating. Thank you. "And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset.......PEOPLE DIE!!!!!!" -- Dr. Evil, Austin Powers |
![]() Feb.15.1999.5:52pm EST Unorthodox - "THE GIRL NEXT DOOR" |
Heck, you gotta have a gold gun to match those capped teeth though, eh?
Well, changes galore it seems - Suislide says he's working on a downloads page to allow
you all to grab the files from one central location; I've also made room for a demos
section which should be debuting any time now. Some minor tweaks to graphics (models
header) and such. The config. file section is off to a great start, so you can find all the aliases and binds you may need in the Optionals section. Some more gunskins coming your way as well in the Other subsection under Optionals. Things are really picking up over here with all the kind souls that have volunteered to help us in our quest for giving you the latest and greatest information/files for AQ2. Check out the Guild master's section for some info on all of us! |
![]() Feb.15.1999.1:52am EST Suislide - "BE MY NEIGHBOR?" |
I see that a lot of folks like my gold akimbo pistols. Some of you have even gotten motivated to do your own weapon skins after seeing them. All I can say is GREAT! I love this stuff. I don't understand the urge everyone seems to have now to make all the weapons gold though. If you have seen Face/Off then you will probably recognize the gold akimbo pistols and why I made them. But hey, gold weapons are cool with me even if I don't understand them. Now i only someone could make some alternate models. Now that would be cool. The positions for help here have all been filled. Got a lot of good offers of help and after some interviewing and some damn hard consideration I picked the people I think best fit together as well as into their positions. So I will be getting them up to speed in the next couple days and soon you should see a major increase in the speed things get done on the site as well as new things appearing both with and without notice. Thanks goes out to all the people who offered help and didn't get the positions. If you guys want to help still then what we could use the most is player model skins and that sort of thing. I will also be organizing a group of people to help with a server help page that I think will make it a ton easier on our server ops and prospective server ops. I will not be active in that page though, just going to get it going and see where it goes. If you haven't checked out action version 1.5 yet then you should be doing that and not reading this :) I have noticed a disturbing trend among the Action Quake fan sites. People are mirroring the files that I and others put many hours into with no link or mention whatsoever letting people know they come from the Actor's Guild. If people don't know where they come from then they won't come here. If they don't come here they won't make or submit other things that you may very much want later on. So do us and yourselves a favor and link back to this site every time you mirror one of the files from here. It would be appreciated. Look! I made the very first hidden message the AG has ever had. If you catch this then you should feel special l33t or something |
![]() Feb.14.1999.07:28pm EST Unorthodox - "HAPPY VELENTINE'S DAY!" |
Well, rather than get all mushy and sentimental on this
day of love and expensive chocolates I managed to get away from my other
half and play a zillion rounds of AQ2 on 1.5 servers - lots of new stuff
to get used to, but what an exciting release! You don't need to download
anything to get it to work, so just keep your eyes peeled for those 1.5
servers and thou shalt be rewarded! To find out more, check out the
main AQ2 page action.telefragged.com I've also gotten familiar with my "helpers" that will be lending me a hand on all things Actor's Guild related so look forward to <GASP!> daily updates! In the meanwhile, there more gunskins for you to look at and download in the Optionals/Other section, and we should be unveiling the config. file section either tonight or tomorrow which should be quite nice! I hope you guys have a good Valentine's day, and be a good son/daughter and call yer mom and tell 'er you love her too! |
![]() Feb.11.1999.2:08pm EST Unorthodox - "AHH, MORE UPDATES" |
I'll betchy'all thought I was dead :) In fact I was just
caught up with the old real-life and also swamped with submissions. I think
you will be pleased however, since there are a whole bunch of updates made to
the optionals sections with buckets of crosshairs, a plethora of new gunskins,
and some sounds too! Also you've probably read on the main action site a plea for help for the Actor's Guild. It looks like I've gotten some helpers for the various sections so that we will be able to get these updates out as soon as we get them. I still have a ton of skins from all of you that I haven't even touched yet - there's a reason for that - first off there's so many of them I can barely cope, secondly I believe what we will be doing is just posting the screenshots and then having all of you vote on which skins should be added to an official addon pak for Action Quake - sound good hunh? I've also scored a new email address so from now on submissions to me can come to [email protected]. I haven't responded to all your emails yet, but I assure you I will get around to doing it! Thanks to all the wonderful people sending in all this cool stuff, and thanks for the letters of support and praise, you've all put a big smile on my face. Now get on over to the optionals section and check out all the new goodies! |