![]() Mar.30.1999.11:35am EST Unorthodox - "Gunskins and the like.." |
Yep, these changes to the site sure are making things easier for us and you guys. We've also finally gotten a little more activity in the land of gunskins which you will find in the optionals section, so head on over and enjoy - that is unless you're enjoying some of the great weather that's been making it's rounds in the northeast, spring has sprung! I finally got to hang outside with all my homeys at the street corner :) |
![]() Mar.29.1999.4:35pm EST Hammer - "Improvements" |
OK, we're starting to make the site easier for all of you. The skins section has been re-organized a litle. If you need a current model and all of its skins, there is a link at the bottom of the CURRENT SKINS page for that model. Also, the new skins for you guys to vote on are now organized by model type as well, because it makes more sense. Your suggestions are being heard!!! I got to drive my convertible around in the beautiful spring weather. It was awesome. |
![]() Mar.28.1999.5:35pm EST Hammer - "T-SHIRTS" |
There is a T-Shirt contest over at the Action Quake main page. Go check it out, and all you artsy types - please make us something. The shirts will be a light colored background, btw (i.e. not black) so design with that in mind.
Also, I just recieved a vwep patch for the McClane model that I will post after I get a chance to review it. Brought to you by kramed and the folks at the Action Quake Owner's Guide Here's some screenshots of it. I got to drive my convertible around in the beautiful spring weather. It was awesome. |
![]() Mar.22.1999.2:35am EST Hammer - "What more could you ask for" |
Allright, things are really moving here at the guild. We've got 10 more skins for you to vote on over at the skins section. Tha models section has two new models, as well as damage location charts for some of the existing models. In addition, we now have our basic requirements page for the submitted models. Moving on to the optionals section we have new sound packs, in game icon replacements, and tons more stuff for you to customize your action quake. The demos section has a new installment of the action bible with kumanru, monastery, and rh_city jumps. One day I need to have Kissmet show me how to do that. And last, but certainly not least, is the developer's section which has more tutorials on modeling, two guide for snipers, and some generally cool strategies for playing action. |
![]() Mar.18.1999.10:35pm EST Hammer - "A bigger pot o gold" |
There are TONS of new tutorials at the developers section. Anybody who's considering getting into skinning/modeling needs to take a look at these. Heck, I even got some from Paul Steed!!!!! Also, I have a few articles in the developers section, but I need more. They can be about anything you want them to be about, just send them in. Sniper guides, strategies, tips anything, just SEND THEM IN |
![]() Mar.17.1999.10:35pm EST Unorthodox - "A pot o gold" |
The Optionals/Other section has a bucketload of new skins and other goodies, this time I tried to take screenshots of most of them so you can see what you're downloading - so don't waste any time and head on over there! We're also seeing increased activity in all sections of the site, thanks everybody for the continuing enthusiasm and support - and Happy St. Patrick's Day! |
![]() Mar.16.1999.4:08pm EST Suislide - "NEW MODEL" |
I have a little surprise for everyone. It is a fully animated preview of the Actionrally model we received. This is the the version I said I would release on the main AQ page so that people could skin her with some Action themed skins. I do NOT want to see this little beauty on servers yet. I am only releasing one set of arms (which means no vwep in this release) and I am trusting people not to abuse this. If you want to skin the model then by all means grab this little 500k file and plug away. The sooner we get some good skins the sooner the real version will be released. Also, if you just want to see the model but don't want to actually skin her then you can of course grab her too as long as she doesn't start appearing on servers. Nobody would be able to see who you were anyways so it would be dumb to use her now. She has varms (like the M model already released) which means that you can skin any part of her body except for her arms. The skin on the arms has to stay the same since her arms are actually part of the weapon model and not the player model. She has an anime skin that came with her but since Anime does not fit the theme (usually doesn't) please do not try to make small changes and use this skin as a base. She needs to be made to look more realistic and less like a cartoon. Um.. That's about it. Just spread the word to anyone you know is a skinner so we can get some sweet skins for this sweet model. Enough talk, CLICK HERE to get the model |
![]() Mar.14.1999.12:35pm EST Unorthodox - "And I'm still here" |
Well, after a long time struggling with all
these submissions I'm finally all caught-up, thanks to all the new
Actor's Guild staffers who have been generously giving their time to
this noble cause. I've done an update on the Optionals/Other section
with some more nifty gunskins so head on over and enjoy the weather.
Seeing as Suislide goes nuts over on the Official AQ2 site
with his movie reviews I thought I'd toss one in here to keep you guys
reading.. I went to go check out "The Corruptor" starring our two close buddies Chow Yun-Fat and Mark Wahlberg, under the direction of James Foley - even though I really wanted to see Wing Commander, I couldn't get in so The Corruptor was my second choice (I was in an "action" mood anyhow). It ends up being a dark tale with a few twists and great action scenes (the car chase was my favourite) - when the film opened with Mr. Fat going akimbo style and the bad guys holding MP5s (or something darned close) spraying the hell out of the place I was brought in to the land of AQ2.. Unfortunately it was brief.. The film was a tad slow at times for my likings, though I appreciated the darkness of the whole film and the shady characters in it - it just felt like your typical NY cop in chinatown movie (not that any others comes to mind).. I know anyone that plays AQ2 will appreciate the action scenes - in fact many times I found myself wishing that I could rip some sounds from the movie and drop them in the game - especially if you're in a decent theatre with surround sound. Should you see it? I don't know - it all depends on your taste. I am a very very critical moviegoer and find very few films that really grab me, if someone forced me to rank this movie I'd give it a 3 out of 5 if it were being compared just to all the action flicks I've seen before, lower if I compared it to every film I have seen in whatever genre. It was a nice try, the action (though there isn't tons of it) is very good but the rest kept me marginally interested and sometimes I glanced at my watch to see when it would all be over. Anyhow, enough rambling - head on over to the Optionals and start arming yourself with some great fresh new skins! |
![]() Mar.10.1999.9:00pm EST Dardenator [PRO] - "I've Arrived" |
Hi everyone! You all don't know me cause I'm new. This is my first post so far. I am taking over Clawz positions. I will be handling the Fonts + Icons, Sounds, Crosshairs, and Configs Sections under Optionals. I will be updating all of these Things very soon so get going and send all of your Submissions except for gunskins to me! You'll be hearing a lot more of me from now on because i'm dedicated to avid Action Quake 2 Playing! Come Play with the Pro's on out server at quake2.kcinter.net |
![]() Mar.8.1999.8:00pm EST Unorthodox [CCT] - "OPTIONALS" |
Well, our Optionals section is definitely keeping me busy with tons of great submissions and updates. Today we feature an interview with a talented fellow that has put together some of your favourite gunskins, along with his latest releases. I still have a few more submissions in the queue, so head on over to the Optionals to take a gander at what we have to offer! |
![]() Mar.5.1999.9:15pm EST Hammer [TECH] - "AGRH! MEDIC!" |
Well, I finally put Paintshop Pro up for you all to download so you
can start skinning and drawing away. It's shareware, so remember to be nice and register it.
It's also relitavely big at around 7MB, but you can take it. :) Also, there's a new tutorial on modeling up in the developers section written for beginners. And the Skins section has a 'skins suggestion' area for you to come up with cool skin ideas for Claymore, our in house skinner, or other skinners to whip up. We really could also use some models from you fine folks, so hop to it!!!!! Nobody reads this. Go check out the cows of war page at http://cowsofwar.vortexq.com/ or the Aggression rangers page at http://www.aggression.org. They're good people. |
![]() Mar.3.1999.8:45pm EST Unorthodox [CCT] - "WHAM BAM!" |
Lookee here, good old Unorthodox just coming out from behind a thick veil of fever which plagued me these past few days. Never fear, it'll take nothing short of the ebola virus to stop me from putting up everyone's wonderful work! As usual, drive yourself over to the optionals section which is teeming with new gunskins, as well as a tommy (not hilfiger) gun to replace the M4 model. Sweet stuff that you won't want to miss, so walk on over there and take a gander at all the shiny new guns. Naw, they never see this writing, right? Too bad you didn't try for {CCT} dude! |
![]() Mar.2.1999.12:00pm EST RogueWarrior [PRO] - "GIDDY UP!" |
Hey everyone its me your old pal
RogueWarrior here with the first update of the new month. So far I have been lucky and
been able to post a new pic of the day everyday so keep um coming.
The Downloadsarea is starting to fill up with the masses of files you people sent in. There are talks of finally putting together some pak files for you to download. We are thinking of putting them together in themes like camo, gold, etc., so email us with your suggestions for what we put in them. Grunt is back up and running and has given a faster look to the Action Art page. There's two more Interviews from some great skinners, OddJob and Mr. Kill. We also got a new section for the Developers out there, that has tons of useful Utilities. If you go over to the Skins page, you will be wonderfully surprised. There are some new skins and a brand spanking new way to vote for them. Also a call goes out to all skinners whos creations are on these pages. We want to give you credit for them so email us so that we can post your names alongside your skins. Thanks to all your submissions the Guild just keeps getting bigger and better. So once again, keep coming back for more of the Actor's Guild and we will always have something new for ya! I wonder if anyone noticed that I have been accepted into the Clan Professionals [PRO]. |