![]() June.23.1999.8:09pm EST Hammer - "BAY-BE, THE OTHER OTHER WHITE MEAT!!!" |
Wow, things are starting to move around here again. There are a bunch of new optionals, and a reorganized tutorial page with 1 new tutorial link. You can now use a glock for your primary pistol. The m16 is fixed. AND MORE!!!!!!!! Go over to the optionals section and check it out. What? You mean I'm supposed to update the developer section too??? hehehehe :) |
![]() June.18.1999.9:49pm EST Hammer - "LOTS OF UPDATES!!!" |
There is a lot going on here these days, so I realy should update more. The Models page has a groovy new feature where you can see every official model, with every official skin on it, in 3d. Rotate it, whatever. Just go 1ook, and be patient. The files are large.
In addition, in to optionals section, there are new gunskins, configs, weapon models (a new knife with new attack animations), and crosshairs. And there's more where those came from. I have an action WinAmp skin that I'll be putting on the others page soon, and a soundpack from Susano that will also be up. Hell, I just added a demo too - Homosaurus' actcity2 wall climb. Yeah, I know its old, but hell, its a demo. I hear stirrings about action half life, and would just like to let you all know that the guild will be servicing the same types of things that it does for aq2 for ahl. We will be a multi purpose site. I, for one, can't wait. Sorry bout disappearing for a bit. I got so worried about other folk's doing their stuff that i am neglecting mine. |
![]() June.13.1999.1:00am CST Gigolo - "Farewell Rogue Warrior" |
I really don't know how to put it, so I will just post what Rogue Warrior wrote to us:
I regretfully anounce that I will no longer be part of the actor's guild, and probably no longer be involved with the community of people that surround action anymore. I am very thankfull for the opportunity to help out and this experience has taught me a lot of stuff. I bid all you guys farewell. Hey Hammer, where ya at man? |
![]() June.9.1999.9:14pm EST Hammer - "UM...STUFF!!!" |
There is a modelling contest over at the Action main page (link fixed). We want you industrious modelors to make us some new action models. Prizes have yet to be determined, but the prizes for the T-Shirt contest were pretty cool, so these just might be too. There's a new action "league" I wanna plug real quick - the Action Summer Camp has begun sign-ups, and looks to be a blast. Go sign up, and join in the shenanigans. Unorthodox is still catching up, but the optionals section should be rolling big time really soon. Also, Kissmet might be back helping the demos section get rolling again. I ran Lath's Jar Jar Binks undies up the flagpole. |
![]() June.4.1999.9:14pm EST Hammer - "OPTIONALS WILL RISE AGAIN!!!" |
Wow, Unorthodox has returned, for all of you who submitted the 100+ optionals that have yet to see the light of day. He was moving, and forgot to tell us about it, but HAVE NO FEAR, things are looking up, and your 100+ optionals WILL be updated as soon as the big U can get to 'em. And all this time I thought he died. Who knew? |
![]() June.4.1999.7:34pm EST Hammer - "I'M GETTING OLD" |
There was a problem with the directory struscture that the ModelPack 2 extracted to when it first came out. It was missing the players folder, so if you are having trouble getting things to work, look in your action folder, and move all the folders that are named after models into your players folder. HOWEVER!!!!! I have fixed the zip and exe versions so that if you download(ed) them anytime after like 3:30 PM EST on June 2nd, they should work fine. I have a file from vendetta that remaps sydney's skin, has a number of skins, a new set of sounds, just all kinds aof stuff. It's pretty damn cool, actually (and just over 3MB). You can get it here I'm getting closer on that redesign. And closer to 30 years old {shudder} |
![]() Jun.2.1999.1:38am EST Hammer - "MODELPACK 2 IS OUT!!!!" |
That's right, act now and you can get 2 new model for action quake 2. Action Rally is a petite little wonder from Cloud with varms just like the M model. AQ marine is a action specific modification of the Paranoid Marine from Hitman Daz. BUT WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL!!!!!If you cat now, you will also get, included FREE, 68 SKINS for all kinds of models!!!! There's messiah skins to make you look like a seafaring captain or Chow Yun Fat, and Action Male skins to make you look like Castor Troy. And if you order with a credit card, we'll give you, absolutely free of charge, a vwep fix for the Sydney model!!!!! Don't delay, get your zip version or your exe version today!!!!!
You can't prove I had to re-create this news update. |
![]() May.28.1999.11:34pm EST Hammer - "I'M SUCH A TEASE" |
Well here's some more stuff to tease you with. The guild pack 2 will be coming out soon. Cloud is working on a model replacement for the Mk23 check it out here. Its a Desert Eagle Also check out the future of the optionals section that I referred to in the last update. Gunskins and replacement models. Gigolo is working on those and on a replacement page for the Sounds, so you can preview them before you download them. A big thanks to Gigolo for that.
We're going to totally redesign this place soon. |
![]() May.19.1999.1:54pm EST Hammer - "MORE ADMINISTRATIVE STUFF!!!!" |
The address of the actor's guild (and all action quake related sites) is about to change. It will be http://guild.action-web.net. Please start changing your links to reflect this. The old one will still work for a little while. Also, the optionals-other section will have a look more like the rest of the site. It won't be like news updates all the time. Keep an eye out for that. (Thanks Gigolo)
I just saw STAR WARS - Episode 1. Pretty cool. I'll wait to complain about it till its been out at least 24 hours, but let me assure you that the fight scenes are awesome. |
![]() May.16.1999.2:25pm EST Hammer - "FTP Mirror problems!!!!" |
Telefragged recently changed their ftp servers over to a new dedicated machine, so that downloads will be faster. This has caused some problems with the downloads on the pages of the guild, but we should have them straightened out in a little while. I apologize for any inconvienence this may cause you in the interim period.
I wish I had gone to E3. |
![]() May.11.1999.11:42pm EST Hammer - "FINALLY!!!!" |
So as he was saying, the gun is out. It's made by eXXon, and skinned by Suislide, so it can't be all bad :). Get it here. There, eXXon, happy now? :P Now, we still need your help even though the Q3 Arena Test is out. I still would like you guys to play action, and keep creating for action. so bring it.
He is an asshole, but I still hope he has a good time at E3. |
![]() May.6.1999.12:34pm EST Suislide - "HEY, DIDN'T I ALREADY D THIS?" |
I have been leaving the guild updates totaly to the reliable
staff here, but I received a model replacement for the sniper rifle in the mail
forever ago and waited a month to add a skin to it. Then I waited longer to
upload it. So here it is, a nice compliment to the other sniper rifle revolver
we have already. This one hs a nicer skin though, suz um... I did it. (heh).
I will, however, leave it to the staff to put this thing in it's proper places on the other Guild pages. But no reason to wait till then, grab this thing and start sniping people in the head with a completely impractical but totally styling weapon. I am an asshole, a s s h o l e, I'm an asshole. |
![]() May.4.1999.4:14pm EST RogueWarrior=RC= - "HEY NOW!" |
Hello everyone its a new month and RogueWarrior=RC= is back
better than ever. Things here at the guild are going along smoothly once again.
Last month it seemed as though our
Guild Masters
were dropping like fly's. So go check out the new guys that can't wait to get
started. Skins are still coming in like crazy and Warrlock_3 has promised an
coming soon. S'kebe is still busy fiddling around with the MDL viewer so that
you can
see skins on the models. The Demos Section is back up and running thanks to
So everything is smooth sailing here at the Guild so keep coming back for more that you love about AQ2. Oh and just so I don't disappoint you here is that new sniper rifle . I suggest you go check it out it is one of the coolest models I have seen yet. If you downloaded the first version get this one many things have been fixed too. |