Design Resume's

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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
13%'s awesome.
50%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 8

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Design Resume's

Submitted by Andy on Sat, 2005-02-12 23:20.

The Online Mappers Resume Database - Developed by RUST

Design Resume's is a prototype database, for listing and keeping track of the latest gaming work by Mappers, Models, Texture Artists and Coders. The database is designed to show the best of your work, provide links to all your material and help people find you.

To add yourself to the Design Resume's copy the template and fill it out, provide links to images of your work you would like to display, and Register to RUST (This merely ensure's your email address is current and you are who you say you are).

To post your Design Resume follow the instructions on the Resume Template.

Every six months RUST will email to confirm the contact details, and work profile is upto date.

Design Resume's

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