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   Ltk Config

LTK Configuration

Ok, so you've read the Installation, and the Using section, and every other line referred you to here! What's so special about this section, well, I'll tell you, this is where you will learn the in's and out's of what you can do with the LTK Bot.

We have already shown you a quick way to set up both a DM and TP game using the shortcut icons in Windows. The next thing that we should show you is how to customise what the LTK Bot's will carry in the game with them, with respect to weapons and items.

The way we do this is by creating .cfg files, and placing them into the /Quake2/action/bots directory. You will remember the 'BAKasylum' .cfg file that we talked about in the Using LTK section earlier. The LTK Bots will then use what ever guns and items you've selected for them, but bare in mind, this is only setting what they actually start with, once the game commences, if they run out of ammo, or find a better weapon, they will drop what you selected for them, and pick up something else!

First things first, explore the /Quake2/action/bots directory, open the asylum.cfg file, using a text editor (on most systems, you should just be able to double click the file, and either notepad or wordpad will open it for you).

This is what you should be seeing (unless you've already changed something);

# Special config for the Asylum level
# name, model/skin, team, weaponchoice, equipchoice;
# Weaponchoice [1..5] MP5, M4, M3, HC, SNIPER
# Equipchoice [1..5] SIL, SLIP, BAND, KEV, LASER
# If teams then this is Team 1
"FatGirl Slim", "female/venus", 1, 1, 4;
"Killer Kombo", "male/cajin", 1, 1, 4;
"Jackie Chan", "male/mclaine", 1, 1, 4;
# Team 2 - Mix n Match
"Kim DeVille", "sydney/sydney", 2, 4, 2;
"Arnie Black", "male/commando", 2, 3, 1;
"The Sarge", "male/grunt", 2, 5, 4;

So, what the hell does all this mean! Well, lets work through it, line by line. The first line is very important, and although it means nothing to you, if its not included, the file will not be recognised by the LTK code, always make sure its present. The next 5 lines beginning with the # are comments, you can add as many of these as you wish, it will not hurt, but neither really is it necessary to add more. If you read these, you will realise the Connor Caple (author of LTK), has actually explained most of it for you here.

You just have to enter the information in the same format as its already displayed, so lets just add another play for now to Team 1.

Create a new line somewhere, it doesnt matter where, but it easier if you keep the players on Team 1 and Team 2 seperate, so lets insert our new line after the line that begins - "Jackie Chan".

Now add the following line;

"Bill Gates", "male/mclaine",1,1,1

What has this just done, well, we've added a new player with a name of "Bill Gates", we've given him the "male" model, and the "mclaine" skin for that model. The first number that follows this is the TEAM number, either 1 or 2, so here we have added Bill to Team 1. The numbers that follow give Bill the MP5 (as decribed in the comment line beginning with 'Weaponchoice' - number 1), and rather cruely we've only given him a pair of slippers to defend himself with - bad luck Bill! (as described in the 'Equipchoice' comment line - number 1).

You could save this file now, and then run your TP shortcut, and you should find that Team 1 now has an extra player to Team 2, and his name is Bill. If you want a good laugh, watch them fight it out, see how long Bill lives!

You can add as many extra players as you wish, and to either team, just remember to get the quotation marks ( " ) aroud the players name, and also around the model/skin that he/she will be using. Also, ensure you seperate the number with comma's ( , ).

You dont have to have equal sized teams, you may have just one LTK Bot on one team, and 10 on the other, but remember, if you have lots of Bots in a game, you will more than likely need to increase the 'maxclients' command in your shortcut.

*Note : If you want to play on your own verses the LTK Bots, with no other Bots on your team, this to can be done easily, but not as you would probably imagine. What you cannot do, is leave one team set with NO LTK Bots, so the only way to get around this is to do the following.

Set up which ever team it is that you want to fight against, lets say team 2. Then add 1 bot to team 1, give him a name that's easy to remember, then when the game starts (just after the map loads, but before you start fighting) type the following at the console;

sv_removebot BOTNAME where BOTNAME is the name of the LTK Bot you want to remove.

Below is a copy of a .cfg file I use, I also bound one of my keys on my keyboard to remove the same LTK Bot at the touch of a button, which saves you having to type it everytime, example;

# NOTE: model/skin is only used in non-teamplay games!
# name, model/skin, team, weaponchoice, equipchoice;
# Weaponchoice [1..5] MP5, M4, M3, HC, SNIPER
# Equipchoice [1..5] SIL, SLIP, BAND, KEV, LASER
# Team 1 - RobbieBoy's gang!
"[Mr]Deleted", "terror/skyterr",1,5,5;
# Team 2 - The Dogs!
"[Mr]Orange", "terror/skyterr", 2, 5, 4;
"[Mr]Black", "terror/skyterr", 2, 1, 4;
"[Mr]White", "terror/skyterr", 2, 3, 4;
"[Mr]Blue", "terror/skyterr", 2, 1, 4;

As you can see, I have only 1 LTK Bot on Team 1, I have then 4 Resevoir Dog gang members on Team 2 (the names can be fun!). As soon as the game loads, I hit my 'D' key, which I gave the following bind;

bind d sv_removebot [Mr]Deleted

This is very handy, and lets you play the round on your own verses the LTK Bots.

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