Submitted by
RaVenous on Fri, 2005-09-02 03:56.
Article quoted from Khuskan.
"Following a rather unfortunate last two months, the SourceForts Team is now back on track with v2.0.0 well on its way, and we hope to give you more news later this year regarding its progress. To keep the community busy, we have almost completed a full release of SourceForts v1.9.0, and we are very happy to inform you it will be available for download within the next couple of weeks, and sooner if everything goes to plan."
"The v1.9.0 release has been going through extensive beta testing by the dedicated team, and on writing of this document, has been through 9 test builds, each one ironing out more of the tiny flaws and bugs and balancing gameplay issues, and will no doubt go through countless more beta tests before release."
"Although we are certain the mod will be ready very soon, we will not be setting a firm release date as residual bugs do occasionally pop up, and we want to be as extensive as possible in making the game as balanced and free from bugs as we can."
"As mentioned previously, version 1.9.0 is nearing final release. v1.9.0 no longer uses the outdated v1.4.2 money system, and instead adopts a 'specialities' style game play, with five different classes for you to choose. There is a scout class, with superior speed and the ability to fire while sprinting, a soldier class, whom acts as a tank for the team, a builder class who is capable of repairing and rebuilding damaged parts of the base, as well as building siege ramps into the enemy base and even stealing enemy pieces, a sniper class and a demolitions class with SLAMS and rockets."
"All units top up their ammo from the same ammunition crates, so there is no longer the issue of having to purchase additional ammunition for your weapon. We have tried to make SourceForts a much more team-orientated game, and it is essential for all the classes to communicate and work together."
"We also have the following maps ready for the next release. There are several more levels in development, but we have yet to be able to confirm their readiness in time for the v1.9.0 build. Those maps not completed will be released at a later date on the website."
sf_skywalk -By Stinger
sf_rooftop -By Dredge
sf_valley - By Stieffers
sf_magma -By Tylak
sf_fieldtrip - By Tylak
sf_reservoir By H.A.S.E
"We would like to thank the SF community for their patience with our progress, and would like to let you know that development for v2.0.0 is once again back in pace. Remember to keep active on the forums and IRC channel, which is where the latest news can be picked up, as well as new developer diaries to give you more of an insight into SourceForts development. We hope you enjoy the following compilation of screenshots that we have gathered during the v1.9.0 beta tests."
"We would also like you to join us in welcoming our two new Sourceforts staff members, FictiousWill and Khuskan. FictiousWill will be helping out in the art and texturing department, while Khuskan is working on the unique SourceForts musical sound track and weapon sounds."