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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
13%'s awesome.
50%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 8

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Rust Submission Guidelines

Submitted by Olpainless on Sun, 2005-02-13 06:38.

Rust Article Submission Guidelines

So, you want to submit an article to Rust? Excellent! However, in order to improve the chances of your article being published on Rust, there are a number of guidelines you must follow for submission.

What Type of Article To Use

There are two choices provided when you select "Create Content":

Personal Blog Entry is used to jot down information that might be of interest to other designers, but doesn't warrant a Front Page news post.

Story is used to submit articles that are of interest to the members of RUST. These can be as simple as announcing News from the level design community or as complex as a tutorial describing level design aspects of the game you edit.

Both choices will provide you with a similar input window that requires a "Title" and the "Body" of your article. If you are submitting a Story, please indicate within the Body where you want the article to go ie; The Front Page or a section within the Editing Handbooks. Once you enter the information, we strongly suggest you Preview it before submission, to check that it looks right and follows the simple guidelines below. After submission, a Story will be checked by the moderators prior to publishing. If it doesn't follow the guidelines, then chances are it will not be published.

Spelling and Grammar

We appreciate it if spelling and grammar are accurate at all times in your submission, and a well-written article will be more likely to be posted to the Rust front page and knowledge base.

Content formatting

There are two choices, Filtered HTML and Story HTML. Both have a full list of their input tags listed.

Please use valid HTML for your article, if possible - use H3 tags for article titles, and <p> tags for all paragraphs in your article. The moderators will correct this if necessary, but a neatly formatted article will make life easier.


Do NOT place any images directly in image tags when submitting content; simply place a link to the image, and the moderators will check the content of the image, and then, if suitable, upload it to the local server.

Any kind of inappropriate image in a submission will result in a warning, and your article will be deleted or modified if necessary. Inappropriate images and other material include:

  • Pornography
  • Images depicting graphic violence or gore
  • ANY KIND of illegal image.
  • Pictures of fish

Copyrighted Material

Please avoid the use of copyrighted material belonging to other companies or individuals whenever possible, without being able to demonstrate permission from the copyright holder, or providing a source for the material if possible. This includes:

  • Images
  • Sounds
  • Music
  • Movies
  • Game Code
  • Articles

Articles containing such material will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, and you will be informed of any modifications deemed necessary to your article.

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