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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
0%'s awesome.
60%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
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Quake 4 LD FAQ

Submitted by Method on Tue, 2005-10-25 20:56.

Quake 4 Level Design FAQ

by Method


Q: Where is Q4Radiant and how do I load it?
A: The editor is inside Quake 4 executable. You can load it by typing 'editor' in console. Make sure to switch into windowed mode before running the editor by hitting Enter+Alt. Also you might want to lower the brightness by typing 'r_brightness 1' in console.

Q: How do I pull down the console?
A: You can pull down the console by hitting Ctrl-Alt-~ and typing 'seta com_allowConsole 1', so in the future you could use it simply by hitting ~ key.


Q: How to turn the green light outlines when previewing level in the editor?
A: Type 'g_editEntityMode 0' in console.

Q: What does 'Detail Level' in Light Editor does?
A: It could speed up low end PCs by not rendering some lights depending on their detail level number.

Q: What are some of the new features in Q4Radiant?
A: You can set origin for entities by right clicking the top down view and selecting Set Origin. That saves a lot of time, instead of doing it manually through Entity Inspector.

Q: What about new things for the entities?
A: You can freely group existing entities by turning them into func_static, without getting 'Invalid Entity' message.


Q: How come when I compile multiple times in the editor and spawnserver in F2 window some of my work disappears?
A: It's a known bug. To test map in F2 window, use 'devmap' command instead of spawnserver. You can also adjust the speed by typing 'pm_speed 320', which will feel just like in MP. If you lost some of your work and autosave file is outdated, then you can look for .tmp file and rename it to .map, which will have your latest work in it.

If you have a question that hasn't been answered yet, please register and post in our Quake 4 Forum.

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