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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
14%'s awesome.
43%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 7

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Compiling Errors

Submitted by Miniwood on Fri, 2004-05-28 04:19.

Compiling Errors

When I first started RUST I didnt want to cover errors because it would be so much work but I've recieved so many emails I decided to do it anyways. This is far from complete and I haven't even tried to explain any of the errors that I know how to fix or what causes them. I just don't have time.

But...I will cut and paste the emails I get from people who know what these error messages mean and how to fix them.

This page is very nasty and I am sure I am missing some errors or made mistakes on a lot of them. All I did was extract them from the source. So if you have any answers to these errors or have errors to add then please tell us.

Shane 'Fishman' Sherman

(Note: The error list has been added to considerably since Fishman wrote the above)
  • QBSP3 Errors
  • QVIS3 Errors
  • Qrad3 Errors
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