NAME: Steve J. Gard
ALIAS: G.A.R.D. formely known as Gard
Positions: Forum Administrator
Forum Moderator: GD
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Staff Blurb:
My images are more about the look I want and not so much the game play. Although the idea of generating a movie in Game (Machinema) intrigues me a lot, and when I have the time (when this site is fixed), I will spend more time playing around with editors
that will let me make a short film. That is ofcourse when I have upgraded the book, and submitted it for publication. In the real world, Im a geologist GIS expert who refines computer models to better target mineral deposits, such as
gold. So far I haven't found a gold deposit yet, but who knows what will happen tomorrow. I enjoy this research because its like looking for buried treasure hidden by nature.
I'm not making a game, I want to make the best damn book ever. That is right a book. I'm still working on the design, but have put that aside for six months to finish my PhD and get this web site restarted.
I got hooked on editing when I discovered that QuArK editors and have mainly edit for Quake III Arena (Wolv helped me first). My images are more about the look I want, and not so much the game play. Although the idea of generating a movie in Game (Machinema) intrigues me a lot, and when I have the time (when this site is fixed), I will spend more time playing around with editors that will let me make a short film. That is ofcourse when I have upgraded the book, and submitted it for publication.
In the real world, Im a Geologist GIS expert who refines computer models to better target mineral deposits, such as gold. So far I haven't found a single gold deposit yet, but who knows what will happen tomorrow. I enjoy this research because it is like looking for buried treasure, hidden by nature.
Mapping Interests:
Half-Life (can't wait for Half-Life 2)
Quake III
A bit of everything now
WorldCraft / Hammer
Only the one big project, The Wizard Labyrinth which was compiled first in Half-Life and ported over to Quake III with the help of Wolv (Thanks Wolv!). These are story images that go with the book that I'm working on. I should have finished by now ... but that is life!
MODs and Levels:
The Wizard's Labyrinth, Not Released.
None released.
Most of my time has been spent converting and adding tutorials to this website. I can claim credit to this one, however I have edited/corrected a load more: Half-life func_breakable entity
- MSN MESSENGER: email first please!
- AIM ADDRESS: dont use
- ICQ NUMBER: dont use
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