

I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
0%'s awesome.
60%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 5

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2 years 46 weeks


Well, im the guy around here called pepper.

I got interested in gamedesign roughly 2 years ago. Though befroe that i already created some maps for Red Alert and Red Alert 2. But that was all.

Then i started to do waypointing for costum counter-strike maps, ogt me very interested in a thing called mapping.
Then somewhere in 2003 i google for a Half-Life map editor, and then it went quik. I downloaded it and installed it and soon i read the manual a few times and created the first most crappy maps ever seen, but wiht trial and error i learned.
But eventualy it lost my interest.
But one day i found myself using adsl and was back on the net. I once again googled only now for tutorials, and by this way i dropped by a nice little site called The Whole Half-Life, it then only had 10 members whom where active, but the site grew quik, and as that site grew i grew with it. I learned more, tryed more, did more.
And that would be a brief history in how i got adicted to gamedesign.

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