

I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
14%'s awesome.
43%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 7

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3 years 42 weeks


I guess hanging around the Half-Life community for... five years or so has its advantage, as people seem to think I'm one of the "old-school" boys. :p

In all reality, I'm a hack of a modder that spends more time learning things and teaching other people then I actually do working on anything. This leads to a crapload of knowledge, and very little to show for it. So, I show for it the only way I know how to effectively: I write articles. Articles are the only thing that show "wait a minute, this guy knows something".

But that doesn't get me into a game company, know what I mean? I really need to complete something one of these days, and make sure its quality work. So, I've decided to start off small, with a Half-Life 2: Deathmatch version of the classic Ruin mod. After that (and the tutorials that follow), I will move on to creating the Mod of My Dreams, IE, that one special mod everyone wishes they could make. :) I certainly do hope I get their someday, I really would prefer working at the game industry. Seems every job I've had so far has been a pointless exercise in masochism just to bring home the bacon. If only I could combine my hobby and my job... then I might feel content with my life. Sigh.

Anyhow, nice to meet you. You can send me an email at jeffca51 at yahoo dot com, or stop by #rust on, or you can even post in the off-topic rust forum. Either way I'll probably see you.

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