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   Q2 Optimisation

Optimizing Quake 2

The Quake 2 network code has improved dramatically since the game's release through the various patches that have been released by id, the code is now so good that it is considered one of the smoothest on-line games in existence. Because the code has improved so much there is really very little in game tweaking necessary but there are still a couple of things that can help.

Patching It Up Real Nice

The first thing you must do is make sure you're running the latest version of Quake 2 (if you're not it's unlikely that you'll be able to play on the internet at all). To check which version you're running load the game and press ` (or ~ depending on your keyboard), it's the key to the left of 1. The console will come down, in the bottom right of the console there will be a number, select the upgrade below that corresponds to your number.

Version File
Lower than v3.12 Full Upgrade (13.2Mb courtesy of FilePlanet)
v3.12 or higher Small Upgrade (5.1Mb courtesy of FilePlanet)

Once you've downloaded the patch and installed it to your 'Quake2' directory you can now add the necessary lines to your config (see the config section for how to create configs).
There are really only three settings that govern how good your connection will be.

Command Description
rate This is the maximum number of bytes that will be allowed across the connection every second, setting this too low will prevent the game from making full use of your connection but setting it too high will result in packets being sent that your connection can't handle causing packet loss.
cl_maxfps This command will limit the maximum number of frames your monitor displays each second. At low settings some people may notice flickering but because of the way Quake 2 handles the connection a lower setting can improve connection.
cl_predict This allows the client to make small predictions on the motion of objects without waiting for the server to tell it (eg. the direction of a bullet).

To apply these commands to your game you must create a line in one of your config files (system.cfg if you follow my guide in the config section) with the following in it:

set rate "XXXX"

Where XXXX is the value you need. To choose the value that's best for you I recommend that you start from one of the values on the table below and play with it a bit until you find one that suits you.

Connection Type Recommended Rate Setting
33.6kbps Modem or lower 3000
56kbps Modem 5000
64kbps ISDN 8000
128kbps Dual ISDN 10000
LAN or equivalent speed 45000

Once the rate is done you should create another line containing:

set cl_maxfps "XX"

Where XX is the value you want as your maximum frame rate. As a rough guideline your this should be set to approximately your rate divided by 100 (ie. if your rate is 5000, your cl_maxfps will be 5000/100=50). It should be noted that setting this too low may annoy you with flickering so by all means set it as high as you can get before your connection goes to pot, also there's no point in setting the cl_maxfps to a setting higher than your graphics card can handle as the command will simply have no effect.

Finally, make the line:

set cl_predict "1"

There's no reason not to turn this on since on a slow connection it's helpful and on a fast connection it's pretty much irrelevant.

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