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Old News from February 17th, 1999 to March 30th, 1999

Topic - March 30th, 1999

The final version of CTB should be ready for release once Hal puts on a few finishing touches. The final version will have full VWEP support and include all the new CTB specific sound files for both the male and female gender. Look for it possibly by the end of this week.

-==New Maps==-

We have a new map designed for CTB by Ruskprick called CTBcity. Its a redesign of Ruskpricks last AQ map City for use with CTB. As usual its another high quality map release by Ruckprick. The map should be available on Map Depot soon. For now you can auto download it from Fool's Paradise server

I have also heard that KaRRiLLioN the creator of the maps Highrise and Vertigo is working on a CTB map as I type this.

If any map makers want to design maps for CTB please do, it can only make the game better. Let us know if we can assist you or have any questions.

-==CTB Sound Girl==-

A few people have inquired about who did the sounds for the female voice for CTB. Well not to leave them hanging here is a picture.

-==BACON FEST 99==-

Homosaurus wanted to let you guys know about the Bacon Fest its March 31, 1999 at 9 am, Lennox hall, University of Guelph Canada. Sounds like a good time will be had by all in attendance. Come join the fun and meet members of AQDT, Clan Bacon Force, Clan_knife, Clan Passive Resistance, Clan redneck and Crimson Jade Warriors. They will all be signing free autographs for the general public.

- fex

CTB, Frequently Asked Questions - March 14th, 1999

Have a question about CTB? Head on over to our CTB FAQ. If you have any questions not on the list please email them to me, [email protected]. We will be expanding the FAQ as we recieve questions from you. and if there are any new enhancements made to the CTB code

- fex

CTB Beta Server List - March 6th, 1999

Here is a list of the servers either running CTB or will be running CTB in the near future.


IP Address



Fools Paradise


CTB / Drug Run

=AR= Barracks






Clan Doggus




- fex

New Beta Test Server - March 5th, 1999

We have a new beta test server that is located in Scandinavia thanks to the folks over at MistyVortex. The IP address is 27910. Be sure to let us know what you think. While you are at it you might want to thank the Admins over at MistyVortex for running this test server for us. Also remember that your input will make this a better game.

- fex

General News Update - March 3rd, 1999

Things are proceeding nicely with AQDT Brand CTB. Capture points can be specified either by existing CTF flag spawns or by specifying coordinates on the map. As a result, we can run CTB on pretty much any map, although it's bound to suck on some maps (e.g., cliff2).


The vwep model for the briefcase is nearly finished thanks to the efforts of Homosaurus and a nice tutorial from Oddjob. We should have support for most of the popular AQ models. If anyone wants to add support for other models, they are more than welcome to do so once we release the model. There are a few screen shots of the vwep in action on our screenshots page.


Homosaurus, Homer and Myself have come up with some new radio sounds, like "Carrier Hit", "I have the package", etc. They are considering recasting the default AQ sounds so they are all in one voice. Once the female sounds are done we will post them in a pak format for your downloading pleasure.

-==Server News==-

Clan Doggus is providing a West Coast Beta Test server for us (speed.freei.net:29720) and we should have a Scandinavian server up in the next day or so. We will probably add another East Coast and maybe a Midwest or Southeast/west server. Hopefully we will be able to get feedback from people all over the world, so we aredistributing our test servers accordingly.

Thanks for being patient with us. If you have any questions, comments and or suggestions please feel free to either email us or post them to our message board.

- fex

New AQDT Member - February 23rd, 1999

AQDT just got stronger with the addition of Hal[9k]. Welcome aboard Hal! Hal has already been working on CTB and we will be incorporating our versions of CTB together to make one great game. I will post some screen shots shortly.

- fex

CTB Screenshots - February 23rd, 1999

We have the first screen shots from the Alpha version of CTB. You can view the screen shots by following this link: CTB Screen shots. Until we get our finished briefcase model, we will be using the power cube in its place as you will notice in the screen shots.

- fex

AQDT Announce Plans for AQ Teamplay - February 17th, 1999

Are you ready for CTB (Capture the Briefcase) and other teamplay variants for Action Quake2? AQDT announces their plans with a press release from Fool Killer. You can read the entire announcement here: AQDT Announcement

- fex

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