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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
13%'s awesome.
50%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 8

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Entity Guide

Submitted by yesukai on Mon, 2005-03-28 22:34.
HL2 Entity Guide


Half-Life 2 offers a vast number of entities to work with. The sheer amount of entities can be boggling, and how to properly use them can be confusing. Presented here are the entities, organized in an easy to use fashion. We will only be offering in depth articles on entities. You can safely assume that if an entity has an article, it will be a complete tutorial on how to use that entity, not just a list of its keys.

The Core Game

The Base FGD

Contains most of the base entities for the Source engine that are not game specific. Most triggers, environmental effects, logic, and moving entities will be here.

The Half-Life 2 FGD

Contains Half-life 2 specific entities, including: NPC's, weapons, items, vehicles, and other game specific items..


Contains Half-life 2: MultiPlayer specific entities.

Popular Mod Entities


Entities specific to Half-Life 2: CTF, including team spawns and flag entities.


Entities specific to SourceForts, including base and flag entities.


  • What is a FGD? FGD stands for Forge Game Data, its the file that tells WorldCraft/Hammer what entities are available and what properties they have.
  • Why isn't your guide complete? We are going for quality over quantity. When an in-depth tutorial is made for a certain entity (or entities), links will be added for it. If you would like to write a tutorial for an entity, you may do so. Simply Sign Up and then check out the Submission Guidelines.

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