Author: Mark 'mSparks' Parker.
Skeletal Physics:Skeletal
model, realtime physics, C++ manipulation class.
Currently under developement,
and available for now, only in demonstration form, This
C++ based skeletal manipulation class provides proof
of concept for rapidly manipulating skeletal bones,
with joint constraints, impact detection and realtime
physics within a simulated environment.
Capabilities & abilities:
A limb physics class provides
environmental, realtime manipulation of overall bones
connected to a body, this is used for motion control
of the limbs based on the skeletons bone properties
and interaction with the physical envirnoment.
A skeletal model class provides
manipulation, rotation and impulse to indivual limbs,
the control body along with interation with limb physics,
based on joint contrainsts and infomation recieved
from either the limb physics class or effected animation
frames. This allows for both manipulation based on
set frame bone rotation for fixed animation, or realtime
environmental interaction based on infomation transceived
from the limb physics class's.
The Future:
The demo below is intended
as proof of concept and code developement for bi-directional
interation with a seperate physics manipulation engine
and simple effect joint manipulation utilizing constrained
bones (which it has done quite nicely). The Final
implimention may utilise the GPL skeletal model structure
developed for Darkplaces/QFusion. Although final specification
is yet to be decided.
the Demo. (openGL rendering utilising the NeHe SDK