Back when AQ2 was created, it was pretty unique in the sense that it was based on real world settings and guns. You won't see a rocket launcher or a BFG. Every gun in AQ2 is based on a real life weapon so each has its advantages and disadvantages giving AQ2 extremely balanced gameplay. Each gun is listed below with a description, their advantages and disadvantages. Unique weapons (aka "special weapons") are in blue
Weapon | Description | Advantages | Disadvantages |
MK23 Pistol | Everyone starts with a pistol. Holds 12, 9mm rounds. Can be switching from automatic to semi-automatic fire modes (w/ the weapon command) | Can carry and fire 2 at once. Use w/ laser & silencer | Not too accurate, shoots slower than other automatics |
M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun | Shoots 12 gauge buckshot shells. Holds 7 shells. | Packs a very hard punch | Only for short range combat |
MP5/10 Submachinegun | Fully automatic or 3-round burst modes. Holds 30 rounds in a clip. | Sprays bullets like nutz with moderate accuracy. Use w/ laser & silencer | Not too powerful, aim for the head |
Handcannon | Aka: sawed off shotgun. Shoots 2, 12 gauge shells simultaneously. | Packs a very very hard punch | Must be reloaded after every shot. Shortest range of all weapons |
Sniper Rifle | Zooming sniper rifle. Holds 6 AP rounds. | Extremely accurate while zoomed. Can be silenced. Very deadly (even goes through kevlar) | Horrible for close range fighting |
M4 Assault Rifle | Another fully automatic or 3-round burst machinegun. Holds 24 bullets in a clip | More powerful than MP5/10. Use w/ laser | Has a lot of kick. Can't be silenced |
Combat Knife | Knives for throwing or slashing | Usually one hit = kill | Very short range for slashing. Difficult to hit while throwing |
M26 Fragmentation Grenade | Pull the pin and throw. Has 3 distance settings | Very deadly | Difficult to place accurately |
In addition to weapons, you also get special items. Each is listed and described below