Premlinary system requirements
to play AQ2 LTKTBM Edition, Stand Alone Version on PC.
This is what you need and should
have to play AQ2 LTKTBM Edition on the PC.
Whilst a 3D capable card is HIGHLY recommended, the
game is playable on a machine without a 3D card. You
may also find that the game is quite capable of running
on even lower specified machines, however the overall
memory requirements may cause some jerkyness when played
on the machines with less than the recommended memory.
Optimizations occur throughout the design process, so
both effects and performance should improve as new releases
come out.
One of the main features of AQ2
LTKTBM EDITION is that of compatibility, these should
give you an idea of what system requirements you need
to play.
AQ2 LTKTBM Edition has been tested
to work on Windows 98/Me/XP, and should work fine on
windows NT/2000 (any user comments regarding these OS's
welcome'd and encouraged), Linux versions of the full
installation will be available shortly.
Pentium(r) 200MHz or equivelent
128 MB ram
250MB of free hard disk space
Pentium(r) III 700MHz or equivelent
Nvidia GF3 Ti or equivelent gfx card
256MB ram
500MB of free hard drive space
High resolution/colour graphics are DISABLED
by default, if you have
a machine capable of handling these graphics, they can
be enabled on the VIDEO menu. If you experience certain
speed slowdowns or 'jerks' first try disabling enhanced
lighting (video menu), then particle effects (effects
Testing and support for the older
voodoo based cards is also going well and a high level
of effects can be utilised even on older systems with
these cards.