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Dedicated to all things Action Quake. The Ultimate Quake 2 Mod
   Lan Guide 3
Part Description Status
Part 1 Infrastructure required Available
Part 2 What you need to run a server Available
Part 3 Dedicted servers Available
Part 4 Client servers Available
Part 5 Configuring your server Available
Part 6 Connecting to the server Available
Part 7 Administration on the go Available
Part 8 Coping with multiple AQ2 mods Available
Appendix A Server variables Available
Appendix B Deathmatch flags Available
Appendix C Configuration examples Available
Appendix D Setting up your own LAN Under construction

Appendix A - Server variables

There's a whole shed-load of server variables that you can set up when you're running an Action Quake2 server. The Action readme file covers them all in pretty good depth, but here's my views on them. They're in alphabetical order, just to make you think that I'm really an organised sort of guy. Hahah!

Note that I am assuming you're using the latest release of Action for your server, currently 1.52.

Action-specific server variables - Teamplay and Deathmatch

These are Action Quake2 settings that will work in both Teamplay and Deathmatch gameplay modes.

Variable Possible values Description
actionmaps 0 or 1

This controls whether or not you want to use the map rotation which you've specified in your action.ini file. 0 ignores this and attempts to use the standard Quake2 rotation, which, let's face it, is a pile of tosh. If you want a decent map rotation system, use the one provided by Action.

Maps will change whenever a player reaches the specified fraglimit or the timelimit has been hit.


1 (use rotation)
allitem 0 or 1

Setting this to 1 gives each player one of each special item - i.e. one lasersight, one bandolier, one Kevlar vest, one pair of stealth slippers etc. Makes the game a bit mad, but great fun for the odd laugh.

After changing this setting, each player will get a full complement of items when they next respawn.


0 (players must pick up items as normal)
allweapon 0 or 1

Now this makes for a very interesting game - setting this to 1 gives each player one of every weapon. This makes is quite explosive, as you can imagine!

After changing this, each player will receive a mini arsenal every time they spawn. Yikes!


0 (players pick up weapons as per usual)
ir 0 or 1

Determines whether or not players with a bandolier can use the irvision command. some people think irvision is sort of cheating, so you can set this to 0 to disable the irvision facility. But that's no fun!


1 (enables irvision for bandoliers)
items number

Number of unique items that the player can carry around with them - e.g. bandolier, Kevlar vest, silencer etc.


1 (allows player to pick up a single special item)
motd_time number

Length of time the 'Message of the Day' (MOTD) stays on the screen when you first connect to a map. It's not a good idea to have this on too long, as the player won't be able to see a flippin' thing if the MOTD is too long!

For reasons best known to the A-Team, this value is rounded to the nearest 2 seconds. You can only guess why...


2 (2 seconds)
nohud 0 or 1

Set this to 1 to disable the standard status display (heath, ammo, special weapon icons etc.) The A-Team suggest this for recording of demos, other than this there's no other real benefit to be gained.


0 (status info displayed as normal)
skipmotd 0 or 1

Setting this to 1 disables the Message of the Day that players get when they first connect to the map. Well, almost, it still displays the top two lines - the copyright and URL of the developers.


0 (display all of MOTD)
teamplay 0 or 1

Set this to 1 if you want teamplay, 0 if you want DM.

Requires a map restart before the change takes effect.


0 (deathmatch)
weapons number

The number of 'special' weapons any player can carry at once. Normally this will be 1, unless you want to be silly. The bandolier will always allow a player to carry one more weapon than this value.

Requires a map restart before the change takes effect.


1 (one special weapon per player)
Action-specific server variables -LAN goodies

These variables control those nice little touches that just aren't feasible when you're connected to a server using the relatively slow Internet.

Variable Possible values Description
bholelimit number

Sets the number of bulletholes that the server will remember for the complete level. Setting this to a number other than zero means that when your bullets hit the walls, ceiling etc. in a map, they leave marks.

When this is set to a smallish value, if you hang around for a while in the one place you can watch your bulletholes 'heal' themselves!


0 (no bulletholes)
breakableglass 0 or 1

Enables or disables breakable glass - assuming that the map you're playing supports it. Currently, there are two examples - office3 and coverme.

Setting to 0 will disable breakable glass, or 1 to enable.


0 (don't even think about it on an Internet server!)
glassfragmentlimit number

Specifies how many fragments of glass that the server remembers. Even on a LAN, large values can impair the speed of the game, so modify this accordingly.



30 (thirty great big sharp shards of glass!)
knifelimit number

Determines the number of knives that can left lying around in the level. A high number will make a lot of or work for someone connected over the Internet, but on a LAN it doesn't matter normally, so you can set this to whatever value you wish.

The prospect of hundreds of knives littering the ground in a map makes me shake with excitement!


40 (Forty knives!? Not even enough for a bit of harmless fun!)
shelloff 0 or 1

Setting this to 0 enables the dropping of spent shells or cartridges from your weapon. Every time you fire your weapon, the shells will fly out and bounce across the ground, with a nice little tinkling sound.


1 (no shell graphics/sounds)
splatlimit number

Like bulletholes, except this one specifies how many pools of blood/lumps of guts are allowed on the map at one time. Yeeeuuchh!


0 (no gooey bits)
Action-specific server variables - Teamplay specific

Settings that only have an effect on teamplay games.

Variable Possible values Description
limchasecam 0, 1 or 2

Restricts the ability of players to 'chasecam' when they die in a team game. This prevents cheats from using the chasecam in conjunction with other communication devices (Roger Wilco, telephone or shouting!) to help their surviving team members win.

0: Allow all chasecamming - through eyes view, chase view and free-floating.

1: Only allows through eyes view and chase view for surviving team mates, not for the enemy.

2: Only allows through eyes view of surviving team mates.


0 (all chasecamming is allowed)
maxteamkills number

If friendly fire is enabled, this specifies the number of teammates a player can kill before he is kicked from the server. Wounding a teammate counts as a quarter of a kill for this purpose.


0 (you really trust your teammates... yeah, right!)
noscore 0 or 1

Set this to 1 to disable the recording of individual scores for players (i.e. your frag or kill count). Once this is set, only team scores and total kills for the team are recorded. Can be useful to hide how embarrassingly poor you're playing!


0 (record individual kill counts)
roundlimit number

Set this to the number of games a team must win before the server changes to the next map in the rotation.


0 (no limit)
roundtimelimit number

Specifies the time (in minutes) that elapses before the current round ends. This is the teamplay equivalent of the standard timelimit setting.


0 (no limit)
tgren number

Sets how many grenades a player will get by default when they choose the bandolier in teamplay mode.

The value you choose here is purely personal preference, but I'd recommend 1 for a serious game. Having said that, setting it to 20 makes for an interesting experience to say the least!


0 (no grenades)
tkbanrounds number

How many rounds a player is banned after being kicked for massacring his teammates.


2 (player has to wait for two roundlimits/roundtimelimits before rejoining)
twbanrounds number

How many rounds a player is banned after being kicked for merely wounding his teammates.


2 (player has to wait for two roundlimits/roundtimelimits before rejoining)
General Quake2 server variables

These variables are standard Quake2 ones, rather than being Action specific.

Variable Possible values Description
dmflags number

Defines some basic Quake2 settings - see Appendix B for more info.

fraglimit number

Number of kills that the winning player makes in deathmatch mode before the map changes to the next one in the rotation. Set this to 0 to disable the fraglimit.

hostname text

Name of the server. Something along the lines of "Action DM" seems sensible, indicated a Deathmatch server.

You should name your server appropriately if there is likely to be more than one server on your LAN - e.g. use DM for Deathmatch and TP for teamplay.


On a network, this will normally default to the name of your computer.
port number

Advanced users only!

Determines which TCPIP port the server will use. Normally you shouldn't need to change this, as the default port of 27910 will be used.

If you're getting a bit advanced though, you may need to change this to avoid clashes with something else on your LAN. It can also be used to run multiple servers on a single PC - for example, teamplay and deathmatch servers on the same PC would require distinct port numbers.

To set this, you have to use '+set port value' on the command line that you use to run your server. For example, if you wish to run a server on a different port to the default, you'd add:

+set port 27920

To your command line.


timelimit number

Determines the number of minutes that will pass in a deathmatch before a new map is started. Of course, if the fraglimit is reached first, this setting won't have any effect.

Setting this to 0 disables the timelimit on a level.

Appendix B - Deathmatch flags

The deathmatch flags, or 'dmflags' specify various core Quake2 settings. Action uses some of these for its own purposes, and ignores some as well. The ones that Action currently uses are listed below.

DMflag value Description

In standard Quake2 this enables weaponstay - i.e. once someone picks up a rocket launcher or whatever, someone else can come along after them and pick up the same weapon.

In Action, the weaponstay that this implements is rather odd - once you pick up a special weapon (like the shotgun or M5) you can't drop it! I'm sure this has its uses, but the only thing I can think of is to prevent players in a team game from picking up dropped weapons.


This disables falling damage - so you can fall as far as you like from tall buildings in Urban2, or jump from the tallest ledge in Cliff2, without fear of death or injury. Might even make the old classic 'Cliff' playable!


Turns off friendly fire. If you don't have this setting, then your teammates are quite capable of killing you in teamplay mode. Not that they'd dare...


'Spawn furthest'. The theory here is that after you die you'll spawn as far away as possible from all other players. Which normally isn't very far at all...


Forces players to respawn immediately after the die, rather than giving them a little breather before they press the fire button to rejoin the game. I have no idea why you'd want to do this.

So, how do you go about setting the dmflags server variable? Well, easy really. You mightn't even need a calculator or pencil and paper like I do!

Look at the selection of options in the table above, and simply add together the numbers of the features you want to use, then set the dmflags variable to this number.

So, if you want no friendly fire (256) and no falling damage (8), 256 + 8 = 264, so add the following to your server configuration file:

dmflags 264

If you don't want any of the features, set dmflags to 0.

Appendix C - Configuration examples

Here's a few example configuration files that you can download if you like.

Deathmatch Configuration file

You can download this file, complete with comments, by clicking here.

// Deathmatch LAN Action server configuration
hostname "Action DM"
// Set a sensible host name for the server
rcon_password wibble
// Rcon password to allow remote administration
set fraglimit 40
// Set fraglimit to 40
set timelimit 0
// No time limit
set maxclients 12
// Maximum of 12 players on this serber
set deathmatch 1
// Tell Quake2 that we want deathmatch mode. You never know...
set dmflags 264
// Set dmflags to disable friendly fire and falling damage
set actionmaps 1
// We want to use the map rotation in the action.ini

// Now the LAN goodies
set bholelimit 50
// Allow up to 50 bulletholes on the map
set splatlimit 30
// Allow 30 bloodsplats
set shelloff 0
// Enable shell noises and graphics
set breakableglass 1
// Yeah, let's break some glass!
set glassfragmentlimit 0
// But turn off fragments, to speed things up

//And finally...
teamplay 0
// Tell Action that we want a deathmatch
map jungle1
// Finally, choose a map.

Teamplay Configuration file

You can download this file, complete with comments, by clicking here.

// Teamplay LAN Action server configuration
hostname "Action TP (FF)"
// Set a sensible host name for the server
rcon_password wibble
// Rcon password to allow remote administration
set fraglimit 40
// Set fraglimit to 40
set timelimit 0
// No time limit
set maxclients 12
// Maximum of 12 players on this serber
set deathmatch 1
// Tell Quake2 that we want deathmatch mode. You never know...
set dmflags 8
// Friendly fire is on, and falling damage is disabled
set actionmaps 1
// We want to use the map rotation in the action.ini

// Now the LAN goodies
set bholelimit 50
// Allow up to 50 bulletholes on the map
set splatlimit 30
// Allow 30 bloodsplats
set shelloff 0
// Enable shell noises and graphics
set breakableglass 1
// Yeah, let's break some glass!
set glassfragmentlimit 0
// But turn off fragments, to speed things up

// Set up some teamplay options
set tgren 2
// Two grenades when you have the bandolier
set roundlimit 8
// Change maps when a team wins 8 rounds
set roundtimelimit 3
// Allow three minutes per round. Real fast!

//And finally...
teamplay 1
// Tell Action that we want teamplay
map teamjungle
// Finally, choose a map.


You can download this file, complete with comments, by clicking here.

// Hashes aren't really needed any more, but they
// don't do any harm.
// set 'actionmaps' server variable to 1 to enable rotation
// This file must be called action.ini and be in your quake2\action directory.
// Don't put comments in the sections below.
// Specify team names, models and skins here. The first
// line of each section is the team name and the second
// line specifies the model and skin.
// List of maps to use in the rotation

Appendix D - Setting up your own LAN

Under construction!

  © Copyright 2001
