Submitted by
Method on Sat, 2004-08-21 18:00.
DOOM 3 Level Design Tips
by Method
D3Radiant tips
1. If you can't see the textures or it's too dark in the Cam view, click on
Misc->Gamma... to change the brightness in the map.
2. If you want to select multiple brushes, create a big brush and place it around the brushes you want to select, then click on
Selection->Select->Select Inside or you can click the select icon on the toolbar.
3. If you want to see the size of the brush, press "p" to open Preferences and check
Paint sizing info in "New Functionality".
4. If you have a brush with specific texture which you want other brushes to have, select brush/brushes which you want to have specific texture and click middle (wheel) mouse button on the brush with the texture of your choice.
5. When you select entity from the Entity View window or if you right click on the Top View, you'll see alot of entities from SP and MP. You can save time by pressing the first letter of the entity you want and editor will scroll down to it. Example: If I wanted to get to the weapons and they're on the bottom, I would press "w" and the editor will scroll down to the entities which start with "w". If I wanted to be more specific I would press "w" and then "e" and it'll jump right to the weapons.
6. Type in console these commands to list specific commands and their usage. List commands:
7. In D3Radiant Media View you can pick the textures, models, particles, etc. for you map. To move models and particles in the preview window use these controls:
Rotate - left click on the object and while holding it down move the mouse around.
Move Up, Down, Left or Right - right click on the object and while holding it down move the mouse to up, down, left or right.
Zoom In/Out - press ALT and right click on the object and while holding it down move the mouse around.
Level Designing tips
1. Sketch your map before building it, it really saves time. You don't have to sketch the whole level out, but you need to have some early gameflow layout. It's also good idea to sketch some specific areas.
2. Study pro maps and try to include the things you like in your map. Read pro LD's interviews, most of the time they give some handy tips from their experience.
3. Beta test your maps, give them to your friends and listen to their valuable feedback. Sometimes you don't see the problem because you're too busy with designing, but after player's feedback you'll realize that some things can be changed.
4. Plan your map carefully with vis blocking in mind. Like I said above sketch and plan your map, so you won't have to rebuild it. Most of the LD's mistakes can be avoided by sketching and planning your map carefully.
5. Learn to "Think in 3D". Imagine what will look good in 3D and what not. Most people find it hard to see the map in their head, but the more you build the easier it gets. It's important to have this skill so you can visually sketch some parts of the level in your head.
6. Place weapons and items carefully and make your map balanced. If you have powerful weapon in your map, then there always be players in that area. Don't place weapon and too much ammo in the same place, make the player travel to other areas to pick it up.
7. If you're creating Team DM/CTF map make it symmetrical, so each team has a fair chance of winning. If you're building CTF style map, then use different colors for the bases or you can place some team signs in the base so players will know where they are.
8. Make maps with different heights, so the player will expect enemy on top or on the bottom. Good maps give the player feeling that enemy could be everywhere.
9. Keep you r_speeds (polys count) low for older PC's and so the map won't lag online. Also light in D3 is very crucial for FPS (Frames Per Second). Keep track of how many light sources hit the surface.
I will update this handbook page with more info in the future. If you have any questions or comments, post them on RUST |
DOOM 3 Forum.