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Bending Cylinder Patches

Submitted by Method on Sun, 2004-11-07 06:27.

Bending Cylinder Patches

by Method


Open D3Radiant (DOOM Edit) and make a cylinder patch by creating a small brush and clicking on Patch->Cylinder.

Select the patch and go into the vertex mode (press V). You can select vertices by clicking on them. When you select vertices they will turn blue. Now you can move them around. You'll notice how the patch bends.

To make a simple bend, you need to move right vertices down, so they will look like a mirror reflection of the left vertices. Now it looks like a pipe, but it's a badly shaped pipe.

Note: make sure your patch is snapped to grid (Control + G), otherwise it'll be hard to align it to the other patches.

To fix it, you need to move center vertices, so the top center vertex point will intersect top right and top left vertex points. Do the same thing for center middle and center bottom vertices.


Start by creating a cylinder patch. Try to see what the wire will look like in your head, that way it'll be easier for you to bend it.

When you're done bending the patch, create another one and place it next to the first one. Continue bending and adding patches.

This is the wire I made for this tutorial. It consists of 4 cylinder patches placed together.

Now group the wire by selecting all the patches and right clicking on the Top view. Find func and pick func->finc_static, it’ll make the patches into the func_static. The red dot indicates the origin of the entity.

Note: you can center the origin by pressing Shift + O.

There’re two ways to bend wire. The first method was described above and the second is to create a long cylinder patch and add rows, by clicking on Patch->Insert->Insert (2) Rows and Patch->Insert->Add (2) Rows. If you need to create a short wire, then you can use this method, but for the complex and long wires you should use the first method.

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