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MultiPlayer Guide

Submitted by Method on Sun, 2004-09-26 05:23.

DOOM 3 MP Guide

by Method

It’s important to run in D3, some people say that it’s better to sneak, but most of the time I run around the sneaking people and kill them before they notice me. Make sure that you have “always run” turned on in MP settings.

Note: You can always sneak by holding SHIFT key.

You can gain speed by running on the slope surfaces and jumping at the end. Good example of this would be steps. If you hold strafe and use your mouse to aim for the direction, while constantly jumping you’ll gain speed also, but it’s very hard to control your movement.

Strafing is a very important technique in MP. The best way to strafe when you’re in firefight is to move randomly, so the player won’t predict your movement. Try to confuse your enemy, jump, strafe and even duck.

All good players control the items. So when you pick up some weapon/item try to run everywhere and pick all the powerful stuff yourself. Even if you already have it, run over it, so your enemy won’t posses it.

Note: Professional players count the respawn time and pick up the items before their enemy.

This is the skill you gain by practicing and playing a lot of FPS games. If your enemy is moving, always aim ahead. If he walks towards you, then you got to try and shoot him in the head. Headshots cause double damage to an enemy.

This is not a technique, but you get spawn killed in D3 very often. The best way to stay alive is to spawn and select grenades (you spawn with a pistol and two grenades) and aim at your enemy, while you running backwards for a better weapon. After you run out of grenades, switch to the pistol and shoot while you continue running backwards.

Note: It’s important to know the map when you run backwards otherwise you might get stuck.

If you know the map, then you know all the shortcuts and item placement. So you can get to place or pick up an item before your enemy. Some maps include a trick jumps and if you know where they are you can get to places faster by jumping.

It’s very important to be confident in yourself. When you play against someone who kills you easily, you’ll be more cautious and play defensibly. This will give a huge advantage to your enemy. When you play defensibly you back off, while your enemy jumps and fires, furthermore getting an easier frag. Even if you know you’re weaker than your enemy, try to attack him, instead of backing off.

If you run out of ammo, sometimes it's a good idea to drop that weapon. Drop your weapon by pressing BACKSPACE. So when your enemy will pick it up, he'll have a weapon with an empty clip.

Grenades can bounce around and they won't give give away your location. Throw grenades to areas with powerful weapons to kill the campers.

Create your own config file and configure the keys to your preference. You can read my config tutorial here.

D3 supports 5.1 sound, so you can hear whenever the player picked up a weapon or a powerup. You can find your enemy's location by listening to sounds. Also find what weapon your enemy uses the most and try to control it.
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