Keyboard Binding Setup
Create a file in the config directory called
keybinds.cfg. This file will be where most of your binds are kept
(communications related binds will be held in another file and
binds relating to scripts will be kept within the script's file). I
recommend that you create a keymap to help keep track of where your
commands are bound, this will allow you to remember where
everything is bound but more importantly it will allow you to see
easily which keys are available when you need to alter or add binds
to your config. I've made a printable keymap for you with the Q2
names of the keys written on each key, you can download it here(It's not my fault if your keyboard
differs from mine).
Open the keybinds.cfg file and on the first
line type:
//Action Key Setup
then miss a line (Q2 ignores blank lines but
they make it easier for us to see what we're doing).
The keybinds config file is split into sections
to make it easier to organize and to ensure we've got all we need.
Enter the following:
In the movement section we need to bind keys to
the following commands:
These commands do the following
Run Forward
Run Back
Strafe Left
Strafe Right
Jump/Swim Up
Crouch/Swim Down
Hold To Walk (Quieter)
Select the keys you want to use for these
commands and add the binds to your config using the following
bind uparrow
"+forward" //Run
Make sure each bind is on it's own line, if
you're not sure of the name of the key you wish to use check the keymap.
Depending on your personal preference you may
also want to add binds for the following:
These commands do the following:
Turn Left (It is most common to use the mouse
to turn)
Turn Right
Hold To Make Turn Keys Strafe
Look Up (It is most common to use the mouse to look up and
Look Down
Centres Your View (Makes you look straight forward)
Weapons Binds
Next we will bind the fun keys, the ones to do
with guns :o)
Leave a line then enter:
In this section we need to bind the
use blaster
use combat knife
use a 2nd pistol
use special
use m26 fragmentation grenade
These commands have the following effect:
Hold To Attack
Select Mk.23 Pistol
Select SOG M37 Knife
Select Akimbo Mk.23 Pistols
Reload Current Weapon
Cycle Through Currently Held Special Weapons
Select M26 Fragmentation Grenade
Toggles Weapon Modes
Choose which keys you want for these commands
and bind them the same way as you bound the movement keys (don't
forget speech marks since some of these commands have more than one
If you wish you can bind the following commands
to keys too:
use m3 super 90 assault shotgun
use mp5/10 submachinegun
use handcannon
use sniper rifle
use m4 assault rifle
use throwing combat knife
use slashing combat knife
In case you hadn't guessed, these commands do
Select M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun
Select MP5/10 SubMachinegun
Select Sawn Off Shotgun
Select SIG SSG3000 Sniper Rifle
Select M4 Assault Rifle
Select SOG M37 In Throwing Mode
Select SOG M37 In Slashing Mode
I personally don't think these are necessary
since you usually only carry one special weapon so the 'special'
command is enough but some people like to have a key for each, if
you use knives a lot the knife commands may be useful to you
Special Actions
Miss a line and type:
In here we put the things that you can do while
you're not putting holes in people's heads.
drop weapon
drop item
Which do this:
Opens Doors (funnily enough)
Drops Your Current Special Weapon (To give to a team-mate or to
pick up another)
Drops Your Current Item (To give to a team-mate or to pick up
Bandages Your Wounds (To stop limping and bleeding)
Toggles IR Vision On And Off (You need a bandolier for this)
Pick where you want them to go then add them to
the file, after that miss a line before the final section.
Miscellaneous Commands
Enter this into the file:
Under here we basically dump anything that
doesn't fit into the other sections, there are a few
And these commands do this:
Open In-Game Menu (Teamplay)
Next Option (In-Game Menu)
Previous Option (In-Game Menu)
Confirm/Select (In-Game Menus)
Bring Down/Send Up The Console
Show Scores
It is advisable to bind toggleconsole to ` (The
key to the left of 1) because Q2 has been known to behave strangely
when it is not bound there, if you wish you may still bind it to
another place too (simply make another line binding toggleconsole
to another key).
Other optional commands for this section
Which will take a screenshot, it will be saved
as a Targa image file in Quake2\Action\Screenshots.
Leave a line and type:
exec "config/comm.cfg"