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AQMD's Minimum Map Requirements
Hello everyone, this is Swoosh.  I'm here to talk about maps.  Specifically, I am gonna put down on paper the minimum requirements that the AQMD expects before they will even begin testing your map.  In other words, you don't follow the rules; we don't test your map.  Now before you go screaming "FACIST!" on me, please consider that we are a busy group of folks and what we really want is a smoothly running Map Depot in order to get your kick ass maps out and about on the servers.  If we can rely on YOU guys (and gals?) to help us by making sure of a few things before you submit, everyone gets their maps tested, perfected, and released that much sooner, and with fewer headaches.

So what are these things we're asking from you?  Its pretty straight forward... here's the quick list.  The long list with explanations follow.

The Quick List

  1. Pertinent files and folders in lower case.
  2. Put files into the correct folders.
  3. Custom stuff in folders named after you (the mapper).
  4. No illegal anything.
  5. The files zipped up for easy extraction and installation (no self-extracting zip files).
  6. No extra files (models, screenshots, etc.)
  7. All maps received must have a readme file (mapname.txt)

The Long List

  1. Pertinent files in lower case.
    This one is for our Linux users.  Linux is case sensitive, so try and do everyone a favor and keep all of your files free of capital letters.  Because of inconsistencies in Windows and or the map editors this may be difficult to do. So you must at least make sure that the main folders (env, maps, sound and textures) ARE ALL LOWER CASE and you should also make sure that the map.bsp itself and all file name extensions (.pcx, .wal, etc.) are in lower case. If we find any capital letters in the aformentioned files, folders and extensions the map will be put on hold until we get an update from you. For all other files mixed cases are ok, as long as the folder/file compiled in the .bsp matches the actual folder/file on disk.

    For example: If you used this texture in your map: \textures\Swoosh\Mycustomtexture.wal make sure that it stored on the disk in a folder named Swoosh (not swoosh, SWOOSH or any other mixture of upper and lower case letters) and the file is named Mycustomtexture.wal (not mycustomtexture.wal, MYCUSTOMTEXTURE.wal or Mycustomtexture.WAL)

  2. Put files and custom folders into correct AQ folders
    This may seem like a no-brainer but you would be amazed at how many maps we get that don't store files in the standard AQ folders.  The standard AQ folders are: env, maps, sound and textures.

  3. Custom stuff in folders named after the original author.
    This applies mainly to custom textures, sounds, and environment maps. For instance, if I made a map that had some custom textures and sounds, I would include a subfolder called "swoosh" under the textures folder and put my textures in there.  The same for custom sounds.  I place them in a subfolder called "swoosh" under the sound folder. If you use a custom texture or sound from someone else's action map,
    include it with your map and put it in the same folder that they did (make sure case is correct) and give credit to the original author in the readme.

    Here, this will help you remember:

       --custom textures--

       --custom sounds--

      --environment maps--
    c:\quake2\action\env\myenvironmentmap.tga or .pcx

    That should do nicely.  Capish?

  4. No illegal anything.
    I think you know what I mean.

  5. The files zipped up for easy extraction and installation.
    This isn't that hard once you get it.  Read on for instructions. The idea is to duplicate the action folder structure in the zip file, so that when the player extracts it ** badda-boom badda-bing ** everything falls neatly into place.  Here's exactly how I did it.

    --First, I made a folder off my root called (don't laugh) c:\mapsnshit   (You can call this whatever you want. "c:\actionzip" for example.  This folder ultimately is a stand in for c:\quake2\action)

    --Then I created some subfolders off of c:\mapsnshit identical to the folder structure.  Here's what those extra folders should look like.


    --When you are all done compiling and are ready to zip up the works, just transfer the appropriate files to the appropriate folders.

    .bsp files go in c:\mapsnshit\maps
    .wal files go in c:\mapsnshit\textures\swoosh
    .wav files go in c:\mapsnshit\sound\swoosh
    .pcx and .tga files go in c:\mapsnshit\env
    .txt files go in c:\mapsnshit\mapdocs

    Now comes the moment of truth.  Start WinZip and create a new archive, naming the .zip file after your map.  Make sure the "Add Dialog" box is checked and click "OK". The "Add" dialog box then pops up. Make sure that the only box that is checked is "recurse folders."  This is the important one... without recurse folders checked, every file in the zip will unzip into the action folder rather than the special folders they need to go into. Click "Add with Wildcards" and let WinZip do its magic.  Whiz!Bang!  You're all done. Note: Please do not create self-extracting zip files - Linux users have a real hard time running Windows executables on their systems.

  6. No extra files
    Do not include any extra files like models, skins, screenshots, etc..  These files just take up space on the users systems and make the zip files larger (which means they take more time to download).  If you have extra files that you want to distribute to the AQ community, make a note in the readme file (see below) and make them available someplace on the web.

  7. All maps received must have a readme file (mapname.txt)
    The reason for the readme.txt file is to provide pertinent information that may be of interest to the public - what you used to make the map, what the official name of the map is, your email addy in case there's any problems with your map, etc. Check out the readme.txt files from some other maps if you're unsure of what to put in it. Remember to give credit where it's due.

Now upload that puppy!

OK, ladies and germs, I think that about covers it.  This page and our requirements may change from time to time, but don't worry, we will try to tell you when it does.  However, because we are mere mortals and we sometimes forget to do obvious things, I suggest that you check here when you begin work on a map and ESPECIALLY before you upload it. If these rules aren't followed we won't test your map, not even if it's the greatest map ever made.  Ignorance is no excuse.  So be a good mapper and check back here during the build process.  Remember, we want to help you make your map THE BEST IT CAN BE and get it out to the public AS FAST AS WE CAN.

Well, I can't think of anything else that needs to be said, except

-Peace, love, and ACTION!

Addendums by Death Magnet

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