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How To Make A Door For Action Quake 2
by TetterkeT
For this example, you'll want to extract the contents of the zip file into your Action Quake directory with the "Use Folder Names" option.

NOTE: I am assuming you're using Qoole 2.50. Hopefully if you're using something else you can apply this to that editor.

  1. Create the brush that will be your door (apply your favorite texture to it and what not).
  2. Create another brush right next to your door brush. This will be it's "hinge". It will most likely be the width of your door, square. Apply the origin texture to this brush.
  3. Select the origin brush and view it's texture properties. Make sure that the "origin" checkbox is checked.
  4. Group these 2 brushes together. Select the first, right-click, and choose Object->Group Add To. Select the second, right-click, and choose Object->Group Add To again. Right-click and choose Object->Group Finish
  5. Now, right-click and select Apply Entity->Func->Door Rotating.
  6. A box should pop up containing the attributes for your door. Here is a listing of the key value pairs that should be displayed in this box and the values that I have set them to for this example.
message <empty>
angle 90
distance 90
health 0
speed 100
wait -1
lip 0
dmg 0
sounds <empty>
target <empty>
targetname <empty>
_minlight 0
spawnflags 32
(new field) <empty>

There are some important things to point out...

  • Setting "wait" to "-1" makes the door stay open until someone comes along and closes it.
  • The value for "spawnflags" is set on "toggle", but it represents this as "32". This is what makes the door open and close when you walk up and press your open door button.
  • You can fiddle around with the angle and distance vaules yourself to get the results you want.

    Thanks to MATS "RUSKPRICK" HOLM for inadvertantly supplying the textures for this example. Hope you don't mind.

    Address all correspondence regarding this example to: TetterkeT

    I hope this helps all you wannabe mappers out there!

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