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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
13%'s awesome.
50%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 8

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How to make respawnable glass

Submitted by Gard on Mon, 2004-03-08 02:34.


How to make respawnable glass - by Koga73

Have you ever wondered how to make respawnable glass in half-life or tfc?
I have. I needed it for a map when I began mapping about 4 years ago... Now that I'm an advanced mapper I finally figured it out! (I'm not saying I was trying for 4 years to make respawnable glass or anything ... I have a real life!).

Respawnable Glass

To make respawnable glass, do the following:

  1. First make a polygon with a glass brush,
  2. Tie the polygon to an entity - func_wall_toggle,
  3. Set the properties for the func_wall_toggle too;
name: glass render mode: texture fx_amount: 90
  1. Create a brush of a crack and put it over the glass so when it is shot, it breakes.
  2. Tie the crack to and entity - func_wall_toggle;
name: glass render mode: solid fx_amount: 255
  1. Create a brush of the AAA trigger texture and put it over the crack,
  2. Tie it to an entity of button_target and set it's properties too;
target: multiglass render mode: solid (this will make it invisible)
  1. Create the AAA brush over your button_target,
  2. Tie it to an entity - func_wall_toggle and set too;
name: glass render mode: solid under flags, check: starts invisable.
  1. Create an entity: ambient_generic and set to;
name: glasswave wav name: glassbreak3 (or other sounds) volume: 10 start volume: 10 under flags check:start silent, not looped, with small radius
  1. Create a multi_manager and set too;
properties: click - smart edit add the folowing with values of zero: glass: 0 glasswave: 0 add the folowing with values of 5 (or how long you want until the glass restores) glass: 60

That should do it. Follow these instructions and your glass will constantly respawn when broken ... without having to call the repair_entity (that's a joke!)

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