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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
13%'s awesome.
50%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 8

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Q3ASE Shader Maker GUI

Submitted by skinmaster on Sat, 2004-11-13 14:15.


Official Site - Textures in Quake3:Arena are no longer a simple texture combined with a lightmap, but are fully scripted entities which can be used to control practically every option OpenGL exposes when it comes to texture positioning, transformation, blending and whatnot. To facilitate the creation and editing of such scripts, this tool will parse a script and present it as a Windows GUI which is easier to understand and navigate than the bare C-like text files.

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