Authors: Dirk Plate & Matthias Buchetics
New Version 1.3 Release
Version 1.2 Release
Version 1.1 Release
Official Site
ScapeMaker is a landscape-generation-tool for Windows. Adjusting simple parameters, you define how your landscape looks and ScapeMaker creates a appropriate height-profile, surfacetextures etc. for you. Then you may freely move throughout your 3d-landscape and take screenshots.
ScapeMaker consists of an extensive Topology-Generator which generates heightmaps which can be used in other apps such as Quake III Arena via GTKRadiant. The Topology-Generator simulates different types of ground and erosion caused by water. By specifically adjusting the simulation parameters all kinds of landscapes can be generated.
The Texture-Generator creates surface-maps that match the topology to simulate e.g. grass, rock or snow. The surface-texture is generated from free choose-able presets.
To give more varied form to landscapes, it's possible to place 3d-objects (eg. trees) around with the Object-Generator. This functions according to the Topology-settings (gradient and height) and the chosen density, or manually.
The clouds-generator creates random cumulus and cirrus clouds whose appearance can be defined with many settings. For a realistic movement of the clouds, they don't move statically over the sky but change their shapes constantly.
The 3D-mode is the highlight of ScapeMaker. With a powerful 3D-Engine, the own landscape is presented. In the sea, the sky is reflected and clouds pass realistically over the landscape & you can roam through your world and take screenshots from any angle. Some special effects uses newer technologies (Vertex- and Pixelshader), check requirements, visit the forum.
SC3K Map Editor (Terrain)