PakScape v0.11 PK3 Navigator
Author: Peter 'Riv' Engström
Download Via GameSpy
PakScape is a PAK/PK3/VOL explorer/creator. Since PK3 files are really ZIP files it can also be used as a ZIP explorer/creator. The PAK file formats supported are the formats used by games based on the Quake and Quake2 engines, including (but not limited to) Quake, Quake2, Half-Life, Soldier of Fortune and Daikatana. The VOL file format supported is the format used by the Starsiege and Starsiege Tribes games- and only the uncompressed kind.
* Multiple Document Interface
* Explorer-like UI
* Drag & drop (including to and from Explorer)
* Import/export files and directories
* When moving objects (files and directories) all of the original objects will be deleted unless you cancel the operation in a 'Confirm Replace' dialog. Answering 'No' will only result in that the destination file is not overwritten- the file to be moved will still be deleted!
* File type descriptions may be wrong for non-registered types unless you have used the file open/save dialog. I have no idea why.
* If you decide to view a document (i.e. either double-click the document or choose 'Open' from the context menu) that is registered to open with PakScape the temporary file created will not be deleted when PakScape closes.
Technical Information
Maximum files in a PAK file: 4096
Maximum path in a PAK file: 55 bytes
Maximum files in a PK3 file: 65535
Maximum path in a PK3 file: 65535 bytes
Recommended System
* 686 300MHz
* 32MB free memory
Minimum System
* 586 200MHz
* 8MB free memory
Tips and Tricks
If you don't have a lot of free memory save the archive directly after you've added a few files. If you don't have a fast processor use normal compression when saving zip/pk3 archives. Maximum compression is a lot slower and normally doesn't compress a whole lot more than normal compression.
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