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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
13%'s awesome.
50%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 8

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Q3ME - Quake 3 Map Explorer

Submitted by skinmaster on Thu, 2004-12-23 16:37.

Q3ME - Map Explorer

Author: Lanzelot

Download Thanks to HR0
No Official Site

Part of the fun of making maps to Quake III Arena (Q3A) is that the technical aspect of level editing is as smooth as possible. Q3Map Explorer (Q3ME) was built for making it as easy as possible to compile the map file, but still enable advanced mappers the freedom to edit the command lines generated by the program. This program helps you to compile your map, but you still need to understand the compiler process to optimize your map.

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