Submitted by
Andy on Fri, 2005-02-25 21:59.
This entity is similar to the normal scripted_sequence, except that it completly overrides the monster AI. Regardless of what you do to the monster, it will follow this sequence.
Name - Trigger to activate.
Target- This event will be triggered when the script is complete.
Delay before trigger - The delay before Target and KillTarget are activated, after completing sequence.
KillTarget - When the script is complete, this event will be removed from the game.
Pitch Yaw Roll Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Target Monster - The name of the monster that this script affects (see notes).
Action Animation - This is the animation that will be performed by the targeted monster.
Search Radius - The script will look for a valid monster in this radius. Set this to 0 if you want the script to be triggerable only.
Repeat Rate ms - The above search will be performed with intervals of this length.
Move to Position - How the monster moves:
0 = No - Monster will perform the sequence wherever it is.
1 = Walk
- walks to the location of the aiscripted_sequence, then performs its animation.
2 = Run - as above, but runs.
4 = Instantaneous - warps to spot.
5 = No-turn to face
- monster turns to face the aiscripted_sequence, then performs the sequence.
Ai Schedule when done - 0 = Default Ai, 1 = ambush.
(4) Repeatable - Lets the sequence be repeated more than once.
(8) Leave Corpse - If the monster dies during the script, its corpse will be left. If not enabled, the corpse will fade away.
Related Entities
If you want the script to act with all of a type of monster (monster_scientist for example) then enter that type in Target Monster rather than a Name.
Any damage taken by the monster while the script is running will take effect when the script finishes.
Use a model viewer to see the animations available to each monster.
The ambient_generic allows you to play a specific sound.
Name - Can be triggered to activate.
WAV name - This is the path/filename of the .wav file (note the forward-slash).
Volume - Volume of the sound. Range: 0 - 10.
Dynamic Presets - Various effects that can be applied to the sound:
0 = None
1 = Huge Machine
2 = Big Machine
3 = Machine
4 = Slow Fade in
5 = Fade in
6 = Quick Fade in
7 = Slow Pulse
8 = Pulse
9 = Quick pulse
10 = Slow Oscillator
11 = Oscillator
12 = Quick Oscillator
13 = Grunge pitch
14 = Very low pitch
15 = Low pitch
16 = High pitch
17 = Very high pitch
18 = Screaming pitch
19 = Oscillate spinup/down
20 = Pulse spinup/down
21 = Random pitch
22 = Random pitch fast
23 = Incremental Spinup
24 = Alien
25 = Bizzare
26 = Planet X
27 = Haunted
Start volume - Volume at Start.
Fade-in time- Time taken for the sound to fade in. Range: 0 - 100
Fade-out time - Time taken for the sound to fade out, if not looped. Range: 0 - 100
Pitch - 100 is normal, >100 higher, <100 lower.
Start pitch - Pitch at Start.
Spin-up time - Time taken for the sound to "run" up to full volume/pitch. Range: 0 - 100
spin-down time - Time taken for the sound to run down when triggered off. Range: 0 - 100
LFO type - Values:
0 = off
1 = sqr
2 = tri
3 = rnd
LFO rate- Range: 0 - 1000
LFO mod pitch- Range: 0 - 100
LFO modvol - Range: 0 - 100
Incremental spin-up count -
(1) Play Everywhere - Sound will be heard in the entire level.
(2) Small Radius - Sound range is about 800 units at max volume.
(4) Medium Radius - Sound range is about 1250 units at max volume.
(8) Large Radius - Sound range is about 2000 units at max volume.
(16) Start Silent - Checking this means the entity must be triggered to work.
(32) Not Toggled - Older FGDs show this as Not Looped. Specifies that the sound is to be played only once. With this flag checked, each time the entity is triggered it will play once. If it is not checked, triggering it will cause the sound to alternate between on and off.
Related Entities
From WorldCraft/Hammer Helpfile: "To play a wav through the streaming code (for very large, one-shot wavs) use *
in front of the name. For instance, ambienc/*speak2.wav
would stream speak2.wav. Streaming sounds are loaded in segments from the disk, played, and flushed from memory."
"To play any sentence from sentences.txt, replace the path/filename.wav
with !
followed by the sentence name. For instance, !NA1
plays the sentence named NA1 ."
"All the keyvalues from volstart to cspinup are various pitch, volume, and low frequency pitch oscillation settings that are overridden by the dynamic preset setting. In general, don't use these. The incremental spin-up count may be used as follows: each time the ambient is triggered, its pitch will rise from "start pitch" to "pitch" by this many increments. So, a setting of "3" means that the pitch of the ambient will rise from "start pitch" to "pitch" in three presses (ie: three triggers)."
For more information on LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) settings see Collective
This entity allows you to create a solid that acts like a button when shot. It won't move, but will change texture and activate its target.
Target - This event will be triggered when the button is activated.
ZHLT Lightflags - See ZHLTReference for more information.
Light Origin Target - See ZHLTReference for more information.
Master - The name of a multisource (or game_team_master) entity. A master must usually be active in order for the entity to work. Thus they act almost like an on/off switch, in their simplest form, and like an AND gate in the case of the multisource.
Render FX - The options are as follows:
0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
Render Mode - Options are:
0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive
FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255.
"Solid" mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.
FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.
(1) Use Activates - Button can be activated with the "use" key.
(2) Start On - This referes to the texture of the button. With this flag enabled, the texture will start "on" (if possible).
Related Entities
The cycler lets you display and cycle through different animations of a model. It also allows you to place Models in the map.
Name - This entity can be triggered by another entity.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Model - A model must be specified (models/modelname.mdl
Render FX - The options are as follows:
0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
Render Mode - Options are:
0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive
FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255.
"Solid" mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.
FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.
Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.
Model - The Model to place.
Related Entities
This entity lets you display and cycle through the animation of a sprite.
Name - This entity can be triggered by another entity.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Sprite - A sprite must be specified here (sprites/spritename.spr
Frames per second - Framerate the sprite will run at if animated.
Render FX - The options are as follows:
0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
Render Mode - Options are:
0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive
FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255.
"Solid" mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.
FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.
Related Entities
Using and shooting the entity in-game allows you to inspect an animated sprite frame-by-frame.
A model cycler that wasn't used in game and doesn't seem to work very well.
Target - When an entity is activated, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target.
Name - This entity can be triggered by another entity.
Render FX - The options are as follows:
0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
Render Mode - Options are:
0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive
FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255.
"Solid" mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.
FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Trigger Target - The event to trigger when the TriggerCondition is met.
Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget. The options are:
0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat
Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.
Model - The Model to place.
(1) WaitTillSeen - Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag - When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip - Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner - When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript - Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster - Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse - After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.
Related Entities
Using and shooting the entity in-game allows you to see the next sequence, frame-by-frame.
This entity allows you to give the apperance of a burning fire with lots of black smoke. It was only added to later FGDs, and can not be turned on or off.
Name - Not sure if you can actually use the Name to KillTarget this entity?
Render FX - The options are as follows:
0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
Render Mode - Options are:
0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive
FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255.
"Solid" mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.
FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Framerate - Speed of the sprite frame sequence.
Sprite Name - Default is sprites/fire.spr
Scale - Size of the Sprite.
Toggle - Not fuctional last time I tried.
Start On - Starts on anyway...
Related Entities
There may be problems with the way this entity triggers / starts on. From what I have read, it was devised for Day of Defeat to add realism.
An env_shooter hard-wired to shoot blood-encrusted body parts.
Name - This entity can be triggered by another entity.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Number of Gibs - Total number of gibs spawned per activation.
Delay between shots - The amount of time between the release of each gib.
Course Variance - Defines how much each gib's path will vary from the normal.
Gib Life - Time in seconds for a gib to hang around before it fades away.
(1) Repeatable - Entity can be triggered more than once.
Related Entities
This entity lets you place special textures in your map, on top of other textures. Things like scortch marks, cracks, oil, etc. can be applied. The Decal Tool in Hammer is an easier way to apply them.
Name - You can "turn" a decal on. Just trigger it using this name.
texture - The Decal texture from the Decal.wad
(2048) Not in Deathmatch - If this flag is set on, the entity will not appear in deathmatch games.
Related Entities
The decal texture must be selected from the decals.wad file.
The decal will reflect the texture properties that it's been placed on. So if you run the game and the decal is wrong, adjust the texture you have placed it on... NOT the infodecal.
The angle of the infodecal should face the player if possible.
Turning it on:
Place the infodecal and "Name" it. It will not be visible in the game until it is triggered. A good way to add cracks to glass, after the disaster.
Point-based light. Simple, effective.
Target - When an entity is activated, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target.
Name - Can be triggered on and off using the Name supplied here.
Brightness - First three 3-digit numbers are the color (RGB). The fourth number is the brightness.
Apperance - Light appearance. Values:
0 = normal
1 = flicker A
2 = slow strong pulse
3 = candle A
4 = fast strobe
5 = gentle pulse
6 = flicker B
7 = candle B
8 = candle C
9 = slow strobe
10 = fluorescent flicker
11 = slow pulse, no black
Custom Apperance - Use a string of letters to provide a custom light style (see note).
ZHLT Fade - See ZHLTReference for more info.
ZHLT Falloff - See ZHLTReference for more info.
(1) Initially dark - If this is enabled, the entity will need to be triggered to work.
Related Entities
The Custom Apperance property allows you to enter a string of letters from a to z, representing brightness.
If you entered: abcdefghihgfedcba
Then the light would go from bright to dim and back again and then repeat.
To use this feature, you must name the light, However, if you then use a trigger to activate it, then it will behave as a normal light.
Custom Apperance, and "Named" lights can cause trouble if there are too many in a visible area.
This entity makes a map's sky emit light. The only practical way of lighting outdoor maps.
Name - Might be used if -noskyfix is added to the RAD compile.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
ZHLT Fade - See ZHLTReference for more details.
ZHLT Falloff - See ZHLTReference for more details.
Pitch - A negative number will give downward pitch (which is normally what you want), But to add sunlight "like" shadows, change this value.
Brightness - The first three 3-digit numbers are the colour (RGB), and the Fourth is brightness.
Related Entities
Since ZHLT 2.1, You only need one light_enviroment per map, regardless of the amount of seperate sky's you have.
If you want to control sunlight shadow with Pitch and Brightness differently in two seperate areas of map, then you have to revert to using -noskyfix in your RAD compile. You will also need to use seperate light_environment entities for each piece of sky.
The light_spot entity allows you to create direct beams of light.
Name - Can be triggered to toggle on and off.
Target - This lets you aim the light at an info_target entity rather than manually specifying the angles.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
ZHLT Fade - See ZHLTReference for more information.
ZHLT Falloff - See ZHLTReference for more information.
Inner Radius - The angle of the cone formed around the directional axis. The area inside this cone will contain the brightest light.
Outer Radius - As above, although the area inside this cone will fade increasingly towards the outer edges.
Pitch - The pitch of the light (-90 is straight down, 90 is straight up).
Brighness - The first three 3-digit number are the colour (RGB). The Fourth number is the brightness/luminesence.
Is Sky - Values:
0 =No
1 =Yes.
If Yes, the spot_light will affect the sky brushes, rather than project any light itself.
Apperance - Light appearance. Values:
0 = normal
1 = flicker A
2 = slow strong pulse
3 = candle A
4 = fast strobe
5 = gentle pulse
6 = flicker B
7 = candle B
8 = candle C
9 = slow strobe
10 = fluorescent flicker
11 = slow pulse, no black
Custom Apperance - Use a string of letters to provide a custom light style (see note).
(1) Initially dark - If this is enabled, the entity will need to be triggered to work.
Related Entities
The Custom Apperance property allows you to enter a string of letters from a to z, representing brightness.
If you entered: abcdefghihgfedcba
Then the light would go from bright to dim and back again and then repeat.
To use this feature, you must name the light, However, if you then use a trigger to activate it, then it will behave as a normal light.
Custom Apperance, and "Named" lights can cause trouble if there are too many in a visible area.
This creates a sliding door that opens or closes in coordination with a momentary_rot_button.
Name - Target this entity with a momentary_rot_button.
Render FX - The options are as follows:
0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
Render Mode - Options are:
0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive
FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255.
"Solid" mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.
FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.
Global Entity Name - Name of the Global associated with this entity
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Kill Target - When an entity is triggered, it will remove from the game the entity specified by this property.
Speed - Speed the door moves at.
Master - The name of a multisource (or game_team_master) entity. A master must usually be active in order for the entity to work. Thus they act almost like an on/off switch, in their simplest form, and like an AND gate in the case of the multisource.
Move Sound - Options are as follows:
0 = No Sound
1 = Servo (Sliding)
2 = Pneumatic (Sliding)
3 = Pneumatic (Rolling)
4 = Vacuum
5 = Power Hydraulic
6 = Large Rollers
7 = Track Door
8 = Snappy Metal Door
Stop Sound - the options are:
0 = No Sound
1 = Clang with brake
2 = Clang reverb
3 = Ratchet Stop
4 = Chunk
5 = Light airbrake
6 = Metal Slide Stop
7 = Metal Lock Stop
8 = Snappy Metal Stop
Delay before Close - This is the time in seconds the door will remain open after opening, " -1 " makes the door stay open.
Lip - The number of units in relation to the door width that remain after opening. A negative value -10 will make the door move it's width +10 units in the direction chosen.
Damamge Inflicted when Blocked - This figure is how much damage the player will suffer if caught in the door.
Message if triggered -
Target - Event to activate on opening.
Delay before Fire - Usually the time in seconds before an entity should trigger its target (after being triggered itself). Under other SmartEdit names, delay might also be the time to wait before performing some other action.
Fire on Close - The entity to trigger when the door closes.
Health - The amount of damage required before the door opens.
Locked Sound - Sounds that play when the play is " locked".
Options are:
0 = None
2 = Access Denied
8 = Small zap
10 = Buzz
11 = Buzz Off
12 = Latch Locked
Unlocked Sound - Sound to play when the door is "unlocked".
Options are:
0 = None
1 = Big zap & Warmup
3 = Access Granted
4 = Quick Combolock
5 = Power Deadbolt 1
6 = Power Deadbolt 2
7 = Plunger
8 = Small zap
9 = Keycard Sound
10 = Buzz
Locked Sentence - Sentence that is spoken when entity is "locked".
Options are:
1 = Gen. Access Denied
2 = Security Lockout
3 = Blast Door
4 = Fire Door
5 = Chemical Door
Unlocked Sentence - Sentence that is spoken when door is "unlocked".
Options are:
1 = Gen. Access Granted
2 = Security Disengaged
3 = Blast Door
4 = Fire Door
5 = Chemical Door
6 = Radiation Door
7 = General Containment
8 = Maintenance area
Minimum light level - A Value > zero will let this entity emit light, the range is zero and " 1 ".
ZHLT Lightflags - Set optional lightflags. Refer to ZHLTReference for more info.
Light Origin Target - Set optional light placement. Refer to ZHLTReference for more info.
Flag Properties
(1) Starts open - The door will "Start Open".
(4) Don't link -
(8) Passable - Not Solid: an entity with this flag enabled will not obstruct the player or monsters.
(32)Toggle - With this flag set on, an entity can be turned on and off, either by the player, or by being triggered.
(256) Use Only - Player must "Use" to open. Checking this flag prevents the door being triggered any other way.
(512) Monsters can't - Monsters with arms (Zombies) can't use this door.
Not in Deathmatch - If this flag is set on, the entity will not appear in deathmatch games.
Related Entities
Setting up a momentary_door is the same as setting up a func_door, except it needs a name and it must be targeted by a momentary_rot_button.
The momentary_rot_button was designed to control the momentary_door, or, thanks to the Door Hack, another momentary_rot_button. The door (or door-hack button) moves relative to the posistion of the momentary_rot_button controlling it. i.e., if the player lets go of the button, the door begins to close.
Name - Name of Entity
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Targeted Object - Normally, the momentary_door you want to control.
Render FX - The options are as follows:
0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
Render Mode - Options are:
0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive
FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255.
"Solid" mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.
FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.
ZHLT Lightflags - Set optional lightflags. Refer to ZHLTReference for more info.
Light Origin Target - Set optional light placement. Refer to ZHLTReference for more info.
Speed - Speed the button will turn.
Master - The name of a multisource (or game_team_master) entity. A master must usually be active in order for the entity to work. Thus they act almost like an on/off switch, in their simplest form, and like an AND gate in the case of the multisource.
Sounds - sounds values
0 = None
1 = Big zap & Warmup
2 = Access Denied
3 = Access Granted
4 = Quick Combolock
5 = Power Deadbolt 1
6 = Power Deadbolt 2
7 = Plunger
8 = Small zap
9 = Keycard Sound
21 = Squeaky
22 = Squeaky Pneumatic
23 = Ratchet Groan
24 = Clean Ratchet
25 = Gas Clunk
Distance - Distance in degrees the button will rotate.
Auto-return speed - Speed at which the button will return to its starting position after being used.
Minimum Light - If you want this entity to emit light, set this to 1.
(1) Door Hack - With this flag enabled, multiple momentary_rot_buttons can have the same Target value, and they will all move when one is used.
(2) Not useable - Button must be triggered to work.
(16) Auto return - Button returns to its starting position automatically.
(64) X axis - If enabled, the rotation will be on the X axis.
(128) Y axis - If enabled, the rotation will be on the Y axis.
Related Entities
If neither of the axis flags is enabled, rotation will default to the Z axis.
An origin brush needs to be part of the entity to specify its axis of rotation.
This entity is pretty similar to the func_rot_button.
This entity allows you to spawn monsters.
Name - If a name is provided, this entity can be toggled on and off or made to spawn its next monster.
Target on release - Event to trigger when a monster is spawned.
Monster Type - The entity name of the monsters to be spawned (e.g. monster_headcrab).
Children's Name - Assigns this name to each monster spawned, so that they can be controlled.
Number of monsters - The maximum number of entities to spawn. -1 is infinite.
Frequency - Delay, in seconds, between each monster being spawned. If -1, a new monster will only be spawned after the previous has been killed.
Max live children - Maximum number of live children allowed at one time. Spawnings will be suspended until a monster dies. A value of -1 means infinite.
(1) Start On - The monstermaker will begin spawning monsters as soon as the map loads.
(4) Cyclic - If this is enabled, triggering the monstermaker will make it spawn its next monster. Otherwise, triggering will toggle the monstermaker on or off.
(8) Monsterclip - If this is enabled, spawned monsters will not be able to pass through func_monsterclip brushes.
Related Entities
Monstermakers can be a bit of buggy, some of the monsters produced will not fade after death, and there are issues with the AI behaviour of monsters spawned with a monstermaker.
The "Childrens Name" (netname) basically assigns a name to the monster spawned, that way you can target the monster with a scripted_sequence, or sentence.
AI problems seem to be natural with grunts for some reason, and the only solution I have found is to transport them into the map from somewhere else. That way they retain their AI.
This entity can activate several different events (including itself) at specified times.
Name -Trigger this entity to make it begin activating its targets.
(1) Multithreaded - See notes below for an explanation.
Related Entities
Maximum of 16 individual targets.
To add targets, disable SmartEdit, then click Add and enter the Name as the new Key and a delay in seconds as the Value, then click OK.
Multithreading: Normally, If the multi_manager is called again before it has finished its work-order, it will ignore the new call and will just carry on with its work. However, with the Multithreaded flag enabled, when the manager is called again, it will continue working while another "copy" of the multi_manager will start up. This solves various problems, mainly related to multiplayer games (where you might want a multi_manager to start up for each player that joins - if one player joins while the multimanager is still going for another player, a new thread needs to be created).
The multisource acts as an AND gate. It only triggers its targets if all entities targeting it are in the "on" state. It can also be used as a master (instead of actively tiggering something when the conditions are met, events using it as a master will only be able to function when the conditions are met).
Name - This entity must have a name so that other entities can use it as a master.
Target - Name of the event to be activated once all clients have been activated.
Global State Master - This is the Name of the global variable (set by an env_global) that can be used to control the state of the multisource.
Related Entities
Note that all clients need to be "active" at the same time in order for the multisource state to be "on". If you have two buttons targeting a multisource, pressing both will make the multisource active, until either one resets (pops back).
Multiple path_corners form a path that can be followed by various moving entities, including some monsters and the func_train.
Name - Provide a name to identify each corner in a path.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Next stop target - Name of the next path_corner in the path.
Fire On Pass - Trigger this event when this path_corner is passed by the entity using the path.
Wait here - Wait at this path_corner, for this number of seconds before moving to next corner.
New Train Speed - Speed of the train once it passes this path_corner.
New train rot. Speed -
(1) Wait for retdivigger - Moving entity will wait and will only continue when triggered.
(2) Teleport - Makes a func_train entity teleport to the Next Stop path_corner.
(4) Fire once - Will only fire its "Fire On Pass" target once.
Related Entities
It's a good idea to establish a simple path_corner naming convension. For example:
"mypath1_1", "mypath1_2", "mypath1_3".
Similar to path_corner, but specifically for func_tracktrains.
Name - Provide a name to identify each corner in a path.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Next stop target - The name of the next path_track in the path.
Fire on pass - When a train passes this path_track it will trigger this event.
Branch path - The name of a secondary path_track (see notes).
Fire on dead-end - If this path_track is a dead-end (see notes), activate this event on reaching.
New Train Speed - As the train passes this point, this speed will be assigned to it.
(1) Disabled - Disables this path_track
(2) Fire once - Fires the "Fire on pass target" only once
(4) Branch reverse - Reverse the Branch at this path
(8) Disable train - Disable train at this path
Related Entities
When a path_track is triggered, its Next Stop Target is replaced by its Branch Path value.
If a path_track's Next Stop target is not defined, or if it has been triggered but has no branch path, it is considered a dead end.
This entity triggers the game to load the last autosave (created with a trigger_autosave). Use this entity for when the player does something that will prohibit them from finishing the level.
Name - If you want to trigger this entity with an event, you must name it.
Fade Duration - Duration of the fade In seconds.
Hold Fade - In seconds.
Fade Alpha - This controls the level of fade. A Fade Alpha of 128 would fade the screen half-way between normal and the fade color (setting below). For a solid fade, a value of 255 can be used.
Fade Color - This is the RGB color the screen will fade to. It defaults to black (0 0 0).
Show Message delay - Delay time before the Message is shown
Message to Display - Text to display indicating WHY the loadsave was used
"Subject Failed to keep the Scientist alive, Subject Terminated!"
You get the idea...
Reload delay - Time to wait before the autosave is reloaded, in seconds.
Related Entities
Player_loadsaved has similar properties to the env_fade.
This entity is normally used when Gordon kills something vital to his success in the mission. If he needs a Sci to open a door for instance, but think outside the square... This can also be used if Gordon follows a path to nowhere. Just remember to use a trigger_autosave before the event.
When activated, this entity removes all the weapons that the player is carrying.
Name - To trigger this entity externally, use this name.
Related Entities
Player_weaponstrip is a brush entity, assigned to a brush and placed in the players path. The player walks through the trigger and his weapons (all of them, including Ammo) are stripped.
A scripted_sentence allows you to add voice to your monsters. This is probably the most misunderstood entity in the whole set. But also one of the most powerfull.
Name - To trigger this entity, use a Name here
Target - Event or entity to activate once the sentence has finished.
Delay Before Trigger - Delay before the Target is activated, once the sentence is finished
Kill Target - Event or entity to be killed once the sentence has finished.
Sentence Name - Sentence to play (see notes).
Speaker Type - This is the name of the monster that says the sentence.
Sentence Time - This defines how long the monster will face the player while speaking
Search Radius - This seems to be the distance from the scripted_sentence to the monster. If the monster that is identified in the "Speaker type" is not in this radius, the sentence wont play.
Delay Before Refire - Delay before the entity can be retriggered.
Listener Type - The name of the entity that the speaker will look towards while speaking. This can be the Player or another entity.
Volume - Range: 0 - 10.
Sound Radius - The radius the sentence will be audible
(1) Fire once - This will stop the sentence from being retriggered
(2) Followers only -
(4) Interrupt speech - Will interupt the normal speach to the "Speaker Type" to play the sentence.
(8) Concurrent -
Related Entities
Enter player as Listener Type if you want the speaker to look at the player while talking.
The sentence name is derived from the sentence.txt, to enter the sentence name, find the Group heading and enter: ! infront of the name.
From the sentence.txt:
HG_GREN0 hgrunt/clik(p120) grenade! clik
So, to get your monster to say "grenade! Clik", you would enter !HG_GREN0
The monster speaking the sentence does not have to match the type from the sentence.txt, but hey... it would be a bit weird if it didn't.
This entity allows you to make a monster perform a pre-scripted animation.
Name - The name of the entity so it can be triggered
Target - This event will be triggered when the script is complete.
Delay before trigger - The delay before Target and KillTarget are activated, after completing sequence.
KillTarget - When the script is complete, this event will be removed from the game.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Target Monster - The name of the monster that this script affects (see notes).
Idle Animation - This is what the monster will return to after performing the Action Animation.
Action Animation - This is the animation that will be performed by the targeted monster.
Search Radius - The script will look for a valid monster in this radius. Set this to 0 if you want the script to be triggerable only.
Repeat Rate ms - The above search will be performed with intervals of this length.
Move to Position - How the monster moves:
0 = No - Monster will perform the sequence wherever it is.
1 = Walk
- walks to the location of the aiscripted_sequence, then performs its animation.
2 = Run - as above, but runs.
4 = Instantaneous - warps/ teleports to spot.
5 = No-turn to face
- monster turns to face the aiscripted_sequence, then performs the sequence.
(4) Repeatable - Lets the sequence be repeated more than once.
(8) Leave corpse - If the monster dies during the script, its corpse will be left. If not enabled, the corpse will fade away.
(16) interpolate - not used?
(32) No interruptions - The script will not stop for any reason.
(64) Override AI - If this is enabled, the normal AI will be overridden.
(128) No Script Move - Only turn this on if the monster jumps to a new position after playing the script. It should make the monster re-sync with its
Related Entities
If you want the script to act with all of a type of monster (monster_scientist for example) then enter that type in Target Monster rather than a Name.
Use a Model Viewer (HLMV) to see the animations available to each monster.
These sequences were designed to make Half-Life possible. They were Not designed so you could make monsters do everything you want them too.
Creates a PA system that randomly plays announcements.
Name - Trigger to activate (if Start Silent is enabled).
Announcement Presets - Values:
0 = None
1 = c1a0 announcer
2 = c1a1 announcer
3 = c1a2 announcer
4 = c1a3 announcer
5 = c1a4 announcer
6 = c2a1 announcer
7 = c2a2 announcer
9 = c2a4 announcer
11 = c3a1 announcer
12 = c3a2 announcer
Sentence Group Name - The sentence group to randomly select sentences from.
Volume (10=loudest) - Sound Volume for the PA.
(1) Start Silent - If enabled, the entity will have to be triggered to work.
Related Entities
Related Tutorial
Taming the Speaker Entity
Place this in one or more spots in your level. Every 3 to 10 minutes it will make a random announcement, as if a PA system is in effect.
Game specific Enities are listed in the main Entity Properties page
The target_cdaudio entity allows you to play a CD track when the player passes within the specified radius around the entity.
Name - Can be triggered to activate.
Track # - Track to play (1 - 30), -1 to stop.
Player Radius - Player must come within this radius for the track to start playing.
Related Entities
A special entity that controls several global properties. Created automatically,
and can be found in Hammer under Map -> Map Properties.
Map Description/Title - For tracking use only, this will not display anything at map start
Environment Map - Lets you choose what sky image you want.
Values are:
CD track to play - CD track to play when the level begins.
Default light level - Not impilmented?
Default Wave Height - Set the default wave height here (can be overridden by the properties in func_water).
Max viewable distance - Maximum distance the player can see. The Default is 4096. If you want to increase this, it is best to do it in multiples ie: 8192
Chapter title message - Text displayed when entering the level. Same format as env_message
Level Fade-in - 0 = No, 1 = Yes. If Yes, then the level will start black and fade into normal light.
Display game title - 0 = No, 1 = Yes. If Yes, then "Half-Life" will be displayed after the map loads. The game title is found on the bottom of the HUD Sprites in the Sprite folder.
New Level Unit - 0 = No, 1 = Yes. If Yes, all previous global triggers will be removed.
Map team List - This will be copied into the mp_teamlist while your map is running if the server allows maps to override the team list.
Default Team - 0 = Fewest Players, 1 = First Team (team index 0).
Related Entities
Related Tutorial
Half-Life Skies
This entity allows you to spawn various items. Its function was replaced by the individual item_ entities, so it's not normally used.
Name - Name the item.
Pitch Yaw Roll - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
Target - When an entity is activated, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target.
Delay before trigger - When the Item is "picked up" by the player, this is the delay before the "Killtarget" is fired
KillTarget - The entity named here will be removed from the game when the world_item is used
Types - World item to spawn:
42 = Antidote
43 = Security Card
44 = Battery
45 = Suit
Related Entities
All the Items available here can be placed seperately using their individual Item_entities.
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Half-Life 1 Tutorials