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I downloaded the ETQW demo and....
...I'm too busy playing for polls.
13%'s awesome.
50%'s okay, I expected better.
...I'm lost in the valley, anyone have a map?
0% machine won't run it. :-(
Total votes: 8

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Submitted by Andy on Fri, 2005-02-25 22:00.

Half-Life Monster Entities


Spawns a flying fire-throwing thing with a big head. These crafty little blighters hover using info_node_air.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a seperate Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


To get these little critters flying, you will need a lot of info_node_air placed in the map.



Spawns a solid hornet shooting monster.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget - Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Squad Name - Not sure if this is enabled? but you should be able to select a Squad Leader


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(32) Squad Leader: Enables this monster as the Squad leader.
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Incredible fire power when deployed in packs. Difficult to kill and the 'Hornets' they fire are very annoying. Not sure, but since it has a Squad Leader Flag, it might pay to try it out.



Spawns one of those pesky electric slaves.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Squad Name - Allows you to choose a Squad name for use with the Squad leader Flag.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(32) Squad Leader: Appoint a Squad leader for a 'Named' squad.
(64) Ignore Player: Not sure if this is implemented.
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


The FGD calls this thing a Vortigaunt. Very powerful in packs. Give the Squad Leader Falg a try.



Spawns the Apache attack helicopter



Target - When the entity is activated, this Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(8) No Wreckage: When the Apache is shot down, No wreckage gibs are shown.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(64) Start Inactive: Places the apache in hover mode and requires triggering
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


The apache folows path_corners, The flight path between the corners is predetermined by their placement, unlike the Osprey. Pitch, Roll and Yaw settings of the path_corners is limited, but does enhance flight.



This has to be one of the most annoying creatures in the game. It's the offspring of a Big Momma.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for targeting.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Everytime Bigmomma is around, you can expect these little nasties. Add a bit of suspense by nesting them somewhere.



Spawns one of those red things that sits on the ceiling, dangle's it's sticky rope and eats brains.



Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


None listed

Related Entities


When the map loads, the barnacle will extend it's 'tongue' until it hits another brush (floor, table etc,). This takes a while so It isn't a good idea to place barnacles at the entrance of a map. Leave them sufficient time to extend.



Spawns Barney our loveable character in Blue.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Use Sentence - When the Player "uses" Barney to follow, he will speak this sentence.

Un-Use Sentence - If the Player "uses" Barney a second time, indicating "Don't Follow" he will speak this sentence.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Barney is very useful, Not only will he attack a massive force of opponents without fear, he seems to fair well in the battle. Get the most from your Barney's by understanding scripted_sentences and scripted_sequences.



Spawns a dead Barney in one of 3 poses.



Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

Pose - Options

- 0 = On back
1 = On side
2 = On stomach


(2048) Not in Deathmatch: If this flag is set on, the entity will not appear in deathmatch games.

Related Entities


Nothing like having a few Dead Barney's about to liven up a scene.



Spawns the Mother Of All Headcrabs.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget - Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

First node - This is the name of the first info_bigmomma. It is important that you understand the relationship between info_bigmomma's and Bigmomma itself. Unlike other info_nodes, the info_bigmomma allows you to control the battle.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Personal Profile:
From Minimicus
"Extremely anti-social, your temper is prevalent in nearly every situation. This results in fierce battles where you and your adversary eventually fight to the death. 'Anger management' is NOT part of your vocabulary or life-style. Your prolific reproduction rivals the growth of any bacteria. In the space of minutes you have spawned several hundered offspring. Your tiny progeny immediately displays the aggressive nature that is so ingrained in your own psyche. You are prone to having microwave accidents."



This wasn't used in the game, and it has no AI. In fact it doesn't even move.


Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


The model is called a floater, if your interested in having a look.



Spawns a... a... er... thing that spits yellow globby stuff.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Also known as the Bullsquid.



An inoffensive little critter that makes a great squishing sound when you tread on them. Always nice for those dark hallways...



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Add a little ambience with a few 'cockies'.



Spawns a flock of flying creatures.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Flock Size - Number of Flyers in the flock

Flock Radius - Effects the spread of the flock


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Great big bat like things that can be made to follow path_corners.



Used in scripted sequences involving furniture models. And can be used to place other models.


Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

model - Choose the model you want to display


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


You can use verious entities to 'place Models', this is one of them. Any entity with the "Model" (model) string will allow you to insert Models into your map.



Spawns an evil Spark Shootin' Stomp'n Nasty Beasty.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Garg's are great fun. I am probably wrong, but I only remember 2 in Half-Life. One was in the underground carpark and the other was in a tunnel somewhere. The best thing about this is that they were not overdone. Hint..Hint



Used to place Models in your map.


Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

model - The Model you want placed in the map.

body- Applies to models that have Body options.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


This entity is more versitile than the monster_furniture as it allows you to place Monster entities with Body properties.



Spawns the naughty Sierra man who started the whole thing....



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


There really isn't a lot you can do with the Gman. He was there to add consistancy to the game, an unobtainable goal.



Spawns a human grunt that drops down a rope to the nearest surface.


Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


The most common occurence of these guy's is included in the monster_osprey. But they are equally good value dropping from ceilings and cliffs. Place the monster entity at the point you want them to drop from, Their rope does not extend past their start point as the animation starts, so careful placement is necessary so that they don't look 'odd'.



Spawns a handgrenade.



Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Delay before trigger - Usually the time in seconds before an entity should trigger its target (after being triggered itself). Under other SmartEdit names, delay might also be the time to wait before performing some other action.

KillTarget - When an entity is triggered, it will remove from the game the entity specified by this property.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(2048) Not in Deathmatch: - If this flag is set on, the entity will not appear in deathmatch games.

Related Entities





Spawns a brain-eating crab.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Remember the first time you had one of these jump on your face in a vent?



This is not a HEV Suit ! If you want a HEV suit for your player, you need to add an item_suit. What this does produce is a dead version of the player. I think there was one of these guy's in Gonarchs lair.


Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Pose- Options

 - 0 = On back
1 = Seated
2 = On stomach
3 = On Table


(2048) Not in Deathmatch: If this flag is set on, the entity will not appear in deathmatch games.

Related Entities


These guy's added "story" to the original game, As the player you came across them just to remind you that someone had tried this path before. They didn't always signify the wrong path, but warned of danger ahead.



This will allow you to strategically place dead guy's (marines) around the map.

Dead Grunt


Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Pose - Options:

- 0 = On stomach
1 = On side
2 = Seated

Body - Options:

- 0 = Grunt with Gun
 1 = Commander with Gun
 2 = Grunt no Gun
 3  = Commander no Gun.


(2048) Not in Deathmatch - If this flag is set on, the entity will not appear in deathmatch games.

Related Entities


Dead grunts around the map add ambience, hints or generally warn of danger.



Spawns the sonic creature. These guy's work great in packs. The more there are, the more the damage when they power up and discharge.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Squad Name - Squads of Houndeye's!! Set this to the name of the Squad and appoint a leader.


(1) WaitTillSeen Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(32) Squad Leader: Identify this entity as the Squad Leader.
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


As I mentioned in the intro, these guy's work best in packs. Originally intended to be "friendly" to the player, the Beta testing changed all that. Seems that the testers blew these little critters away as soon as they saw them. So in true Valve style, they modified the original dog like creature and made it nasty.



The second-most annoying enemy in the game.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


To get the most out of your assassin's you need to use a lot of info_nodes. You will get the best "play" out of your assassin's if you use about three times as many nodes as you would with a normal monster. Interesting to see that assassin's don't have Squad capabilities.



Spawns one of the game's greatest attractions. Grunts, Marines... call 'em what you like, but these guy's will really kick your ass if they are supported well with info_nodes.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Squad Name - The name of the Squad that the leader controls.

Weapons- Available:

 - 1 = 9mmAR
 3 = 9mmAR + Hand Grenade
 5 = 9mmAR + Grenade Launcher
 8 = Shotgun
 10  = Shotgun + Hand Grenade


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(32) Squad Leader: - Identify this entity as the Squad Leader.
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Select a commander (Using the Squad leader Flag) and set the grunts up in Squads, this provides a more realistic AI.



Spawns an over-sized fish (maybe the leech after radiation exposure)



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Once these guy's start firing at the player, they don't seem to stop.



Kind of like a cockaroach underwater, and they do damage.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Normally found in water, they inflict an annoyance bite of one health unit.



Spawns the small floor or ceiling mounted mini turret.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Orientation- Options:

- 0 = Floor Mount
 1 = Ceiling Mount


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(32) Autostart: Does not require triggering.
(64) Start Inactive: Does require triggering
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


A smaller version of the monster_turret, and nearly as effective.



The end is near, you can feel it... and then you run up against this guy.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


You need a lot of room to place the Nihilanth and make it look right.



Spawns the Osprey half-helicopter half-aeroplane troop transporter.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(64) Start Inactive : - Must be triggered to follow it's path corners..
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Careful placement of the path_corners ensures a smooth looking flight path. The path_corners will need to be tweaked to adjust pitch, roll and speed.
This entity needs a lot of room to fly in. It also drops monster_grunt_repel based on the number of grunt_repels added initially.
The resupply occurs when the grunt's are killed, based on where they were initially placed in the map.
Make sure you have a path_corner over the grunts!! as this is where the Osprey will head to drop new ones when they die.



Spawns a rat, which I don't remember ever having seen in the game.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Can be used to trigger an event when it see's the player. They also follow path_corners (Slowly..), but beware, their behaviour can be a bit weird and unpredictable.



Spawns a satchel full of explosives.



Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Delay before trigger - Usually the time in seconds before an entity should trigger its target (after being triggered itself). Under other SmartEdit names, delay might also be the time to wait before performing some other action.

KillTarget - When an entity is triggered, it will remove from the game the entity specified by this property.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(2048) Not in Deathmatch - If this flag is set on, the entity will not appear in deathmatch games.

Related Entities


Shrike initiator batteries required!



Spawns a man in a lab coat.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Use Sentence - When the Player "uses" Barney to follow, he will speak this sentence.

Un-Use Sentence - If the Player "uses" Barney a second time, indicating "Don't Follow" he will speak this sentence.

Body - Which Sci do you want?

-1 = Random
 0 = Glasses
 1 = Einstein
 2 = Luther
 3 = Slick


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Exceptionally useful chappies, great for making Black Mesa look like a research facility.



Spawns a dead man in a lab coat.

Dead Scientist


Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Body - Which dead Sci do you want?

-1 = Random
 0 = Glasses
 1 = Einstein
 2 = Luther
 3 = Slick

Pose - Options:

- 0 = On back
 1 = On Stomach
 2 = Sitting
 3 = Hanging
 4 = Table1
 5 = Table2
 6 = Table3


(2048) Not in Deathmatch - If this flag is set on, the entity will not appear in deathmatch games.

Related Entities


Post disaster fun... drape a few of these guy's around.



Spawns a floor mounted tripod gun.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(32) Autostart: Does not require triggering.
(64) Start Inactive: Does require triggering
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


A small tripod mounted auto activated gun. Used mainly in the game with a laser trigger.



Spawns a man in a lab coat in the sitting position. Check out venomous's tutorial on Chair's, Barney's and Sitting Scientists for uses.

Sitting Sci


Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Body - Which Sci do you want?

-1 = Random
 0 = Glasses
 1 = Einstein
 2 = Luther
 3 = Slick


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Related Tutorials
Chairs, Scientists and Barneys

Exceptionally useful chappies, great for making Black Mesa look like a research facility. And sometimes difficult to get looking right. Just follow the tutorial (Chairs, Scientists and Barneys) and they will look great.



Spawns a Snark. This thing is like a headcrab on speed.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


These little guy's are less than friendly, but the good thing is that if you find the nest, you can use them as a weapon.



Spawns a one armed tentacle creature. Most probably fondly remembered from the Blast pit.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Sweep Arc - The arc in degrees that you want the tentacle to sweep.

Tap Sound Options:

-1 = None
 0 = Silo
 1 = Dirt
 2 = Water


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


This critter reacts to noise. It will strike at any sound.



Spawns a tripmine.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) Instant On: The mine is automatically 'ON' at the map start.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Tripmine complete with Green laser trigger.



Spawns a Large ceiling or floor mounted turret.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.

Orientation- Options:

 - 0 = Floor Mount
 1 = Ceiling Mount


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(32) Autostart: Does not require triggering.
(64) Start Inactive: Does require triggering
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


A larger version of the monster_miniturret, and twice as effective.



The result of an interaction between a headcrab and a man in a lab coat.



Target - When the entity is activated, the Target named here is triggered.

Name - The Name of the entity for triggering.

Render FX - The options are as follows:

0 = Normal
1 = Slow Pulse
2 = Fast Pulse
3 = Slow Wide Pulse
4 = Fast Wide Pulse
5 = Slow Fade Away
6 = Fast Fade Away
7 = Slow Become Solid
8 = Fast Become Solid
9 = Slow Strobe
10 = Fast Strobe
11 = Faster Strobe
12 = Slow Flicker
13 = Fast Flicker
14 = Constant Glow
15 = Distort
16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)

Render Mode - Options are:

0 = Normal
1 = Color
2 = Texture
3 = Glow
4 = Solid
5 = Additive

FX Amount - The value of the Render Mode, between 0 and 255. 'Solid' mode simply needs a non zero value to work, while in other modes translucency is controlled by this value.

FX Color - An RGB value that controls the colour of the object rendering. Only Color and Glow Render Modes use the Render Color property, but other entities also use it under different SmartEdit names.

Pitch Roll Yaw - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.

TriggerTarget Used to trigger a Target in conjunction with the Trigger Condition.

Trigger Condition - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget.
The options are:

0 = No Trigger
1 = See Player, Mad at Player
2 = Take Damage
3 = 50% Health Remaining
4 = Death
7 = Hear World
8 = Hear Player
9 = Hear Combat
10 = See Player Unconditional
11 = See Player, Not In Combat 

Animation Sequence - The animation sequence to play. If you are using Hammer 3.5, this will also be displayed in the 3D window.


(1) WaitTillSeen: Monster will wait till seen, however it doesn't always work that way.
(2) Gag: When checked, the monster won't say anything or make noise, great for shutting Grunts up.
(4) MonsterClip: Prevents the monster from moving through func_monsterclip brushes.
(16) Prisoner: When enabled, the monster won't attack the player (normal AI is disabled).
(128) WaitForScript: Does not appear to have been implemented.
(256) Pre-Disaster: Only used by Scientists and Barneys. Gives them pre-disaster speech, and prevents them from following the player.
(512) Fade Corpse: After being killed, the monster's corpse will fade out after a while, instead of lying there forever.

Related Entities


Pretty useless monsters, but don't forget that they have arms, and will be able to navigate through button triggered doors.


Next Entity Guide Trigger Entities

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