Quake III: Arena
Perfect Arch Tutorial Part 3 -
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Part Three
This tutorial will demonstrate the procedures that need be taken to make a perfect a arch. Ok, this should be easy for you now and I probably don't need to write the rest of this but I'm going to just for the people that might need it.
What you need to do here is unselect the Arch and select the
End cap. You'll need to resize it to the outer edges of the Arch and you'll see how the top of the Arch is out of shape. After you resize it, you'll have to reposition the
End cap so that you can select the Arch. Now select the Arch again and we'll start.
As you can see here there are only two
Vertices that need moving. The two corners and middle are already in line. Now go to the
Selection menu and select
Drag/Drag Vertices. The top left
Vertice is the one that we'll be moving.
After you have selected
Drag/Drag Vertices, change your Grid again to
Grid1 and zoom in and move the
Vertice to the upper left corner as shown in the picture.
Now for the right side.
Here, you'll do the same thing as the left side. After this one isaligned, unselect it and zoom out and you'll how it looks all lined upped as in the next picture.
Don't forget to save your work.
Now there's only one more thing to do. That's resize the
End cap so that it is aligned with the center of the arch like in the next picture.
You really can't see if it is out of line or not and probably wouldn't even matter but if you zoom in and look closer like in the next picture, you'll see that it isn't correct.
Here you'll see that it 'is' off a little. This probably wouldn't make adifference, but, just for the correct alignment I'm going to go ahead andalign this too.
red circle is the
Vertice we will be moving.
This is where it ended up and is aligned. Now go to the right side and move that one.
This is where this one is aligned. Now we'll check the middle to see if it needs to be aligned.
This needed to be aligned as well. Now we'll go to the left end and align that one.
This one needed aligning. Now go to the right end.
This needed aligning as well. Ok, now zoom out and you'll see how it looks.
Here is the finished arch. I've taken and made three
End caps and put them in, as you can seeof coarse just so you would see how it looks all lined up.
And there ya have it,
'The Perfect Arch'.
Well, that was my good deed for today. I sure hope this helps someone out. I don't want anyone to think that I'm a Q3Radient guru or anything. This is just something I figured out since it's release and wanted to share what I have learned with everyone else that is wanting to make killer maps for Quake III Arena. I might write another tutorial on other things as I learn them. Just right now, I need to concentrate on the making of my own map.
All the credit I can give for my knowledge would be to raYGunn and the rest of the crew at
They are who I turn to when in need of an answer. Thanks guys...
[Ed. Note: Example map can be found
Perfect Arch Tutorial - Part 2
Tutorials (Modelling)